Apr 01, 2010 20:09
Well, I almost have a handle on all the crap for school - but really, Easter couldn't have been timed worse. No one's available for the required interviews and now that I'm nearing the deadline, I'm actually starting to understand and enjoy the massive project I'm covering, but there's no time to figure it all out properly. Serves me well for procrastinating. Annoying though that as much as I hate interviewing people, I'll get more assertive the less they tell me.
Anyway, the real reason for my post: they're currently rerunning Ghost Whisperer at the time slot that used to belong to Grey's Anatomy. I've never been able to stomach more than a few minutes of it. It's not that I think it's particularly bad (just boring, but we'll get to that in a minute), but I just don't like Jennifer Love-Hewitt, it's a chemistry-thing. I've just sort of watched a whole GW episode (Demon Child) and the story was decent, and there was nothing really wrong with the acting, the sets were pretty awesome to. It's just that, the writers write like ten minutes of dialogue that's repeated three times. The ghost says something to JLH, who repeats it to the relative or friend. The relative responds, JHL repeats it (though, I think the ghost can hear whatever the living says, but what do I know?). Rinse, lather, repeat. Ad Nausea. It's not the most subtle story-telling, is it? Also, so far nothing remotely femslashy.
While I'm on the subject of tv: new House episodes tonight, yay! With relatively few channels (11, not counting foreign channels and things like Discovery), House-repeats are currently airing on three of them. Bit much. Just like five or six CSI (1xNY, 1xMiami and 3xoriginal) episodes a week is a little, I don't know, overdone? Sure, there are also quite a lot Law&Order eps, but, you know, it's Law&Order.
Homework's calling. Sigh.
ghost whisperer,
grey's anatomy