The Art of Manliness

May 16, 2023 07:51

Taking the morning off.  I'm feeling a bit sore in the calves this morning. Actually felt it yesterday and last night and made the decision by the time I went to bed.  So I slept in a few extra minutes and it felt nice to lounge in the bed after waking up . . . one of my favorite things in the whole world.  I dozed on and off for a while and then laid there for a while longer with my head filled with heavy sleep stupor. It was great and I feel great this morning.

Not much else to talk about this morning.

I had a good day at work yesterday. It was so very slow.  I was able to finish up some online training classes that were due by June.  So I'm all caught up with that stuff for another couple months.

Oh I was thinking about vacation ideas for this summer.  I was thinking maybe go to the grand canyon or someplace like that.  As it happened, the "Art of Manliness" podcast had a guy on there talking about that very thing, how to go about planning a vacation to the national parks.  But it sounds very complicated.  You need to have reservations and park passes . . . . it sounded so complicated.  He also said that summer was a busy time because lots of kids are out of school and those families flock there and some of the parks are crowded and you can't get it in because it's full up.

If it were up to me I'd go to the beach or the mountains.  I have secluded spots for both those destinations and no reservations needed.  Just go.  Be.  It's peaceful too with no people around.

Anyway, that's my new mini project for now, trying to find something to do this summer while on vacation.

But someday I'd really like to see the grand canyon.  And I will, but just not in the summer.  I'll plan a fall or spring vacation for that, when it's less busy.

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