My New and Improved Schedule!

Jul 27, 2005 10:15

Well I just got back from school and i get my schedule changed. i am guess i am happy with it now.

1-BCA I- McClung
2-20th-21st Century- Blankenship
3-Pre-Calc/Trig- Robertson
4-Spanish I- Gilkeson
5-Driver's Ed/ Child Devolpment-King/Harden
6-English 11/12 AP- Burdette
7-Adv. Chemistry- Robertson
8-Accounting I- Huts

Oh my the way, I know the lunch arrangements now. it is going to be 5th period. if you are in A then you have first lunch, and if you are in C then you have second lunch. So it looks like i have second lunch! dang..i had first lunch last year, i liked eating earlier. this means i have to go through 5 classes before i get to eat. also the lunch stinks so that makes it even worse. Oh one more juniors and seniors: We do not have to go to school until the 30th of August! Isn't that great? well i think so especially when i thought i had to go on the more day makes all the difference. well i like my schedule other tahn the child devolpment thing. i think in this class i ahve to carry a baby around...i don't know though. but oh will mainly be a fun class, because that has nothing to go with my major. I am BUSINESS!!! well i think i am going to go..oh i am going job hunting today. i think i am going to apply at J&S, and Taco Bell. hopefully i will get a job. well i will write back later, and tell how everything went. until then...goodbye!

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