Wow, no entry for a month? Time flies. Not like anyone who reads this doesn't have other ways to get ahold of me, though.
Just wanted to throw out that I applied to a school in China (again). Too lazy to look through entries, but I may have mentioned the Chinese language program at Beihang University. I applied and got an e-mail last night from the school asking for passport info. That's all been sent off, so hopefully I have a place in the program. The e-mail was also addressed to six other students, so it'll probably be a nice small class. I was hoping to stay in the dorm for a month or so while looking for an apartment, but their site says that you pay for dorm stays a semester at a time, so that's out. Looks like a few days in a hotel. Oh! And I just thought of it this minute, but I bet I can get a room at the dorm I was at last year. If the maps are right, the University is literally across the street from the school I was at before. Though, calling 4th Ring Road just a 'street' doesn't really do full justice to
what you're dealing with.
Also, from what I've been reading lately, it looks like the PRC is cracking down on bloggers. Most popular sites are banned, LJ included. They also want to start a national "blogger registry" using real info, all the better to track you with. I'm not entirely sure what to do when I'm there because of all of this. I was intending to start another blog, with more pictures and China-only related stuff, for the benefit of my family, mostly. I guess buying a domain and webspace is a possibility, but it costs money, which I would prefer not to waste.
Maybe I'll just mail letters to people! =D