Actually... I thought that this was a rather good list... I know I have oft considered many of these careers. I do have to note for humor value that number 40 on my list was Potter. :-)
1. Go to 2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top fifteen results.
1. Editor
2. Medical Secretary
3. Cartographer
4. Curator
5. Conservator
6. Administrative Assistant
7. Bookkeeper
8. Archivist
9. Political Aide
10. Market Research Analyst
11. Health Records Professional
12. Writer
13. GIS Specialist
14. Public Policy Analyst
15. Translator
16. Telephone Operator
17. Critic
18. Personal Financial Planner
19. Money Manager
20. Research Analyst (Financial)