Importing darcs into a git branch

Mar 24, 2010 11:45

Originally published at The Pædantic Programmer. Please leave any comments there.

Maybe this will make it more google-able…

Looks like you can export your darcs repo with darcs-fast-export and then import it with git-fast-import

18:15 < wakko666> I have kind of an odd question that google doesn't seem to know. I'm converting a darcs repo to a git repo. i've already got the tool to export the darcs side. however, i'd like to import the commits into a branch of an existing repository. is this possible? 18:16 < cj> make a remote tracking branch referencing the exported darcs repo? 18:17 < wakko666> cj: thanks for the clue. i'll try it. 18:28 < cj> git remote add darcsthing git://moo/darcsthing.git ; git checkout -b darcsthing darcsthing/master 18:28 < cj> oh, there should probably be a git fetch darcsthing in there somewhere 18:31 < wakko666> cj: yup, that works. thanks for the help. :) 18:31 < cj> yay. glad I could help.

git, irc

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