Public SPAM Announcement

Jan 31, 2006 17:25

I am now giving notice to those who send unsolicited email to me that I will press charges.

I am watching you. I will report your activities to the authorities, and I will prosecute to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, be it local, inter-state, national, or global.

The US National policy of "spam prevention" is abhorrent.

They suggest that you use an email address that nobody will know. With the advent of email collection software, this advice is moot. It is possible to query for a list of users from an internet service provider (ISP)'s mail server using the SMTP VRFY command.

There must be a law that protects internet users from harassment, pornography and other unsolicited "spam" email.

This goes for international law as well.

I am now going to add a filter to my procmailrc file that forwards all email that SpamAssassin marks as "spam" to Adjust your filters accordingly.

I am now indexing my spam for ease of case lookup. I recommend that others running the imap from the courier suite do the following. Those with Maildir archives should also take note.

for YEAR in 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006; do
for MONTH in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 ; do
maildirmake.courier $HOME/Maildir/.spam.$YEAR.$MONTH

for i in `ls -lt | grep $YEAR-$MONTH-* | awk '{print $8}'` ; do
ln $i $HOME/Maildir/.spam.$YEAR.$MONTH/cur/$i ;
done ;

done ;

legal notice, spammers, spam, public announcements

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