1. smoked a cigarette? Yes
2. smoked a cigar? yes
3. crashed a friend's car? hell no.
4. stolen a car? no, but once when 4x4ing i watched someone steal a big cat to get us unstuck..
5. been in love? yeah.
6. been dumped? yeah.
7. taken shots of alcohol? course.
8. been fired? yeah
9. been in a fist fight? yeah
10. snuck out of your house? hehe when i was 13...few times.
11. had feelings for someone who didnt have them back? dunno..possible.
12. been arrested? no
13. made out with a stranger? haha yeah...
14. gone on a blind date? does meeting someone off the net count?
15. lied to a friend? yeah its possible
16. had a crush on a teacher? not really.
18. seen someone die? no
19. been on a plane? naw
20. thrown up in a bar? id never let myself get that drunk at a bar.
22. miss someone right now? yeah...
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? no might be fun...
24. made a snow angel? lol when i was like 7
25. played dress up? sure :D
26. cheated while playing a game? dunno prolly
27. been lonely? course.
28. fallen asleep at work/school? omg yes. *dies*
29. used a fake id? no i was a good boy when I was under 18...well, fake id wise anyway.
30. felt an earthquake? dont think so..
31. touched a snake? once.
32. ran a red light? omg once...
33. had detention? never.
34. been in a car accident? yeah when i was like 13
35. hated the way you look? possible.
37. been lost? ya...long time ago when i first got my licence..after meeting this random guy downtown..got all lost. Looking back i was around eau claire and now i know my way around.
38. been to the opposite side of the country? no..
39. felt like dying? yeah.
40. cried yourself to sleep? not for a long time.
41. played cops and robbers? that might be hot...
42. karaoke? yeah..course.
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't? yeah.
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? lol not that i can think of.
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue? yeah..
46. kissed in the rain? once. Long time ago..he was old. lol
47. sang in the shower? yeah but i try to be all quiet...
48. made love in a park? hell yeah.
49. had a dream that you married someone? dont think so.
50. glued your hand to something? dont think so lol.
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? hell no...
52. worn the opposite sex's clothes? when i was like ten.
53. Been a cheerleader? naw
54. sat on a roof top? yeah..
55. talked on the phone all night? course.
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? when i wuz like 13 or 14.
57. played chicken fight? like um no, I like my car intact.
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? no..
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger? omg yes..everytime i go to buddys..Random ppl there are crazy lol.
60. broken a bone? naw
61. had a 3-some? yeah