Jun 12, 2006 00:42
I got the notice today that my new MacBook has left China and is winging its way towards me as we speak! Yay! Fly little laptop, fly! expected delvery is Wednesday afternoon - the day before i go to Con.TXT - and, Yay again!!! that means I'll be online since the new laptop does - of course - have wireless!
It looks like i will indeed be co-moderating two panels - the one on learning to write through fanfic, and another one on SGA, focused on John Sheppard...
So, how do we see John, oh F-list?
I generally see him as someone who tries to avoid deep attachments, because he's lost people too often. I don't think he's succeeded in avoiding deep attachments on Atlantis, but I think he manaages to lie to himself about this most of the time. I think he's a great hero and a pretty crap commanding officer - but a good commanding officer would make for a boring show. ;-)
Feel free to discuss in comments, and I'm still looking for recs of your favorite books on writing!