We started a
SIFRP campaign (a parallel game to mine) at the
SGC with
Robert Thomson as Narrator. We had four players last night with another joining next week. Each player created two characters, which I believe is a must for SIFRP. It's not a conventional rpg where characters march around the land in a group fighting bad guys/monsters and taking their stuff. It's a dark but subtle game of politics, love, hate, schemes, betrayal and false hope. The incredible game system created by
Robert J Schwalb emulates
GRRM's epic tragedy to the T.
I'm excited to begin playing my characters. Ser Eucliff Vermusgen, called Black Tongue because of his blunt manner and his disgusting habit of chewing Myrish black-leaf. "Boy, where's my spit bucket," he shouts to his squire, Humphrey Alastar (grandson of his liege). Black spittle flies from his lips darkening his white beard. Did I mention Black Tongue is 70, he doesn't much care what folks think, he knows when he's right and when he's wrong. Black tongue has an animal cohort, a Wolfhound named, Porthos.
My second character is a 13 year old boy, born into a family of traveling mummers. They are the Starhaven Mummers, House Alastar's players. Anton Jelico also has an animal cohort, an extremely large bob-tailed ally cat name Stranger. Anton has the quality (or curse) third eye. He dreams strange dreaming's. This session he dreamed a boar attacked a white skull stomping it three times and crushing it on the third blow. The skull bled. The next day a Dornish Knight sworn to house Manwoody (who's emblem is a white skull) was maimed in a hunting accident by a wild boar. (Ser Eucliff has begun calling the knight, "Ser Pigstuck,". Black tongue strikes again.)
The session was near ending when a banquet was held a Castle Starhaven where Anton sang (and earned 11 silver stags) and he met Septa Meredith introducing her to Stranger, who was picking on dogs, Porthos and Black Tongue weren't there. He told the Septa of his dreams and interest in the Seven, the Stranger being his favorite. His father is from Pentos worshiping the Shepard, his mother from Lys she pays homage to the Lord of Light.
Next week is a wedding. All the PCs were boarding ships to take them to Helm Crest near King's Landing. Can't wait to get back to Westeros. It's fun to be a player in such a cool system with a terrific storyteller. I only hope to learn a few thing and become a better Narrator/GM.