I playtested my new RPG one-shot this weekend. I'm happy to say that it was a success. My biggest concern was the plot twist falling flat. It worked even better than expected. The foreshadowing I included didn't give it away and only made the twist more biting when the players discovered it. I was worried about the character mix, but they worked well together. There are a few ability and equipment changes that I'm going to implement in the final version, but that's what beta tests are for. The one problem I did find was the rigidness of playing the last two hours in real time. For the test I threw in the kitchen sink to see how things would go. My theory, it's always easier to subtract than add. I'm still going to play out the last two hours in real time (it adds to the tension), but with less detail to things that aren't directly effecting characters. It wasn't essential to the game and took the perspective away from the action. The players did a great job and gave direct criticism and feedback that I'm using to improve the final product. I have to thank Ben D. for providing a model of Titanic to go along with the floor plan charts for tracking the action. Seeing things in three dimensions is an excellent visual aid. As the minutes tick by the list of the sinking ship can be viewed by the players. It adds a lot to the atmosphere. I'm terrible with titles, but everyone liked Terror Under a White Star. I have to send in a title, description and time for the game to
MisCon to get it on the schedule. How's this?
Terror Under a White Star an original RPG by CJ Ruby
d10 skill based system, similar to World of Darkness
Friday 8:00 - 11:00 PM
Hosted by the Sandbaggers Game Club / Room 260
GM: CJ Ruby
5 player limit
April 1912, take a transatlantic cruise aboard history's most famous ocean liner RMS Titanic. There is more to fear on the ocean than icebergs in this mystery/horror/survival adventure. Five pre-generated characters provided.