A Question For You

Feb 20, 2011 22:53

 Okay, so I've been doing a lot of work on my original novel - allow me to present Currently Untitled, not my masterpiece (I'll get around to that one day, but it's going to be intense and deep and difficult), but I like it - and I'm discussing it with Mr. Quick Wit (who we shall call Half-Wit, since he's the one who married into this family of wit ( Read more... )

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obsessive_a101 February 20 2011, 23:44:47 UTC
Hee! Yay, I'm glad my rambling made some semblance of sense. Sometimes, I think too much and end up blurting in my comments, which end up... incomprehensible. LOL!

And yep, re: pointless death: "Life's a bitch, and then you die." (Sometimes, I think my love of Laura Roslin is overwhelming.) Of course, I think a lot of people come across that idea in the midst of the annihilation of their species. LOL! (Now, I'm laughing... Talk about a dark sense of humor ^_^".)

For me, I think it quite helpful that I reached a sort of zen by the time the finale came 'round. Season 4.5 was one of the most hectic and crazy parts of the show in terms of pacing and plotting for me. As for Laura's death, I think I've "sort" of made my peace with it (thank the gods for fanfiction). While, it'd have been wonderful for it to have been more obvious plot/prophecy-wise to die before actually landing on Earth (I've read so much fic where she dies before, and sometimes with just a glimpse out the observation deck and I enjoy those thoroughly as well), a part of me is also happy for her? Happy that she at least got a small moment to appreciate the life on the new planet her people was going to have. (Ignoring all my little issues with the Earth 2.0 settlement.) It just spoke to the romantic/optimist in me. (Or in terms of Denial!land - have you ever seen this: http://astreamofstars.livejournal.com/782.html?) Also, I just assume that Elosha was right when she said that the ancients didn't get everything right, and they HAD considered an off-screen death, but Mary had thought that maybe the closure would have been better, which personally I understand perfectly well. I'm not sure if I would have dealt with her flying off into the stars without ever breathing fresh air for a bit before the end, any better than imagining her disappearing at the end of the story (*place where I start feeling keenly for all the Kara fans of the world*). Basically, I change my mind from time to time, but mostly, I've decided to just celebrate her life. XD *clings tightly to zen*

Also, I had no trouble with the Sirius and Dumbledore deaths either, they worked for me simply because, narratively, even if they were "surprises", the atmosphere/time period in which their deaths occurred made sense with me. I find it much more difficult when it's not really, well not an unprepared death or even a pointless one, but a "tool-y" one? If that's even a real concept at all. LOL! For example, I find it much more difficult to appreciate narratively a death that is written just for the sake of a plot twist or the creation of angst. I like context for all of that, not a singular event. Or maybe I am just still in denial. XD Also, highly possible.

Hee, either way, good luck with your novel, wherever those characters might take you. ;)

And yay! New friend! Uhmm... I hope you don't mind crazy randomness that I'm prone to. >>"


cj_quickwit February 21 2011, 00:29:51 UTC
I love it when people are actually capable of 'blurting' with their fingers. Sometimes it just gets lost in translation with me, taking a wrong turn somewhere between my brain and my hands.

Yes. Cling to your zen :p I'll just stay over here in the bitter!bitches corner glaring at those of you able to make peace with it. I just flip-flop. Sometimes, I think it's beautiful and perfect. Others, urgh, I hate it, hate it, hate it. But I've that mind with most of the finale, I think ... though, I've not yet thought it perfect, but rather I just accept it.

And I am happy for Laura getting to see Earth. I just probably would have enjoyed the dark angsty bitterness of the prophecy being correct even more. After all, who had given more than Laura to get them there? It would have been ... wrong and cruel and a part of me would have loved that.

Wow, that makes me sound so sadistic.

I remember that picspam! It helped me through many of my darker days. Nice to see it again though. It always makes me giggle madly. I think Bill's grumpy face and Kara being padawan are my fave bits. Or maybe the hide and seek. Or maybe "you've tried to marry me without me noticing". Or maybe I just love the whole frakking thing.

As for Sirius and Dumbledore ... "Parents must die. It's the only way children can come into their own." I understand that for Harry's journey, and for other large aspects of the plot, their deaths were both necessary. Still a complete and utter surprise though (for me, anyway, because I may or may not have worn ear muffs and avoided all media before I got my copies of OotP & HBP). Seriously, when Dumbles died, I full on sat on my bed staring at the book in complete shock for at least an twenty minutes.

I don't think that a death written for plot twisting/angst has to be completely separate from the depth of the death, or the lead up. They can be one and the same. Though without one, the other is generally pretty baffling and useless.

And now I'm rambling. I think you've infected me or something :0 Can you at least make sense of my inane babblings?

Anyway. Right. Agreed. Death bad, life good. Death good depending on the circumstances, life still good, but sometimes not necessary.

That totally made sense in my head.


obsessive_a101 February 21 2011, 01:14:04 UTC
It's fine - considering my penchant to read sad, angsty stories as rays of hope, it's definitely normal for all of us to be a little, eensy-weensy bit sadistic. :)

Hmm, I was spoiled for the deaths in HP, and to be completely honest, I don't remember my exact reactions to them initially. I believe that there was probably a lot of shock (I just typed this word as "death" before changing it - wow, I need to stop thinking today. LOL) involved. (Plus, I LOVED Dumbles... and then he was gone.)

And this, Though without one, the other is generally pretty baffling and useless. is basically it. :) Thank you for clearing up a lot of the rambliness, and oh! Have I infected you? *affects some sort of shame... before it breaks down into giggles* And yes, your "babblings" makes sense to me. :3 Isn't there a short story somewhere that involved babbling brooks? *thinks hard on this tangent*

Well, anyway, yes... I think your head space is pretty sensible [to me]. (And that, totally made sense in MY head... right.) XD


cj_quickwit February 21 2011, 01:24:17 UTC
We are Adama/Roslin shippers I suppose and if there was ever a ship that was doomed from the start - end of the worlds, terminal breast cancer etc. - it was that one. And we all knew, I think, how it would end. We're such suckers for punishment lol.

I was never spoiled. The month leading up to every book release, I would put myself in lock down. No TV, no internet, no media of any kind. I was always terribly careful. The earmuffs ... not a joke. And I wasn't even the only one at the midnight releases wearing them! And it's not even cold here!

Babbling brooks ... that does sound dreadfully familiar. But I've also got babbity rabbity in my head and I'm not thinking clearly enough to remember from where babbling brooks is.


obsessive_a101 February 21 2011, 01:31:48 UTC
Ah! I meant "NOT" spoiled. ><" I read the books at a time in my life where I really didn't have to worry about the internet because I hardly knew what it was, and as for the books, I picked them up and never stopped reading from the first day on, so it was all fine. XD

And it's true isn't it? Then again, the only couples to get a "happy" ending on the show were the Tighs (cylons), Gaius/Caprica (human/cylon), and Athena/Helo (cylon/human) - I think the human/human relationships were doomed to begin with. XD (Just joking though yes, A/R shippers do have a slight masochistic streak don't they? LOL Then again, considering some of my other ships - it's hard to remember some that aren't doomed from the beginning... never mind that AR was one of the few ships I shipped that ever became canon.)


cj_quickwit February 21 2011, 01:59:46 UTC
There was time before internet?

I agree with you. I look at my ships now and ... it's a little bit sad that Adama/Roslin is my success story lol, considering how heartbreaking the end was.

I was actually a Harry/Hermione shipper, right to the bitter, bitter end. Though, there's a JK Rowling quote in Melissa Anelli's Harry: A History, that keeps that spark alive for me.

Mulder/Scully, kind of, but sad. Picard/Crusher, I guess it worked out if you're a fan of the books. Sheppard/Weir ... don't even want to think about it. I'm confident enough that Booth/Brennan will get their act together. And oh so many more that fizzled so badly they just aren't worth mentioning.

Oh well, I'll always have CHUCK/SARAH!

*snorts* The Tighs get their happy ending, but our Bill ends up all by his lonesome on a ridge. Not fair.


obsessive_a101 February 21 2011, 02:33:17 UTC
Hee... I think my family and I were one of the ones to hold out the longest against technology. ;)

And ah - I could see that ship. Funnily enough, I never officially "shipped" in HP. The closest I've come, I think, is Luna and Neville. Otherwise, canon works for me in general.

As for doomed ships, one was in a sitcom and they were a divorced couple, so I was just ASKING for self-torture there though it wasn't that bad. Another one was CSI - I was a Grillows shipper because I saw random episodes all out of order, and it just so happen that the few I saw first all seemed to... *cough* support the pairing. (The actors didn't help in that they were so close to each other and were like best buds, and the actor shipped them.) The sad fact was that I STILL shipped them even when I found out to my horror that canon had already exposed its ship at the last episode of the sixth season, which I only found out REALLY later through a NEWS ARTICLE nonetheless. XD

Hmm... I've noticed a trend among your listed tv ships. Maybe it has something to do with sci-fi? XD *noticing your icon* Do you ship any of the Doctor Who ships? (^_^)" I've been considering watching the show, but I've only ever seen a few eps with the tenth doctor (Tennant).

Well, the Tighs did end up being the EPIC couple of multiple-millenia. LOL! ><" It was an interesting revelation. :) Anyway, I don't grudge them their happy endings but it stinks that so many people who did SO MUCH had to die along the way. *Oh BSG - it hurts.*

(All that rambling done... XD I just remembered what brought up the reference of "babbling brooks" in my head [despite it being a common phrase >>"] - I was thinking maybe it was LeGuin or deLint, but nope - Walter Moers - The 13 and 1/2 Lives of Captain Blue Bear, I had to return it to the library before I even finished it, but top left hand corner of this map: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091205070606/zamonia/images/6/6e/Zamonia_Map.png - The Babbling Billows. XD)


cj_quickwit February 21 2011, 08:20:01 UTC
I'm considered a bit strange in New Who fandom, because I don't ship Ten/Rose. My Doctor Who ship is The Doctor/River Song, which is becoming more popular. Either Ten or Eleven, but, oddly enough, she seems to have the best chemistry with Eleven. Weird, since Matt Smith is so much younger, but it totally works. If only for the exchange of:

Doctor: You graffitied the oldest cliff face in the universe.
River: You wouldn't answer your phone.

Though you've probably little idea what I'm talking about. I can't recommend watching Who any more. You could dive right in from the newest season and figure it out as you go. Or it might be helpful for you to start from the 1st season of New Who, which was Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor. Everything will make much more sense. Then you get three seasons of David Tennant - who is my Doctor - and then Matt Smith.


obsessive_a101 February 23 2011, 05:29:08 UTC
Hi! Random response now I know (but this is my other tendency to play "catch-up" at random, random times in a random order), but actually I also saw a few eps of the first season I believe. I usually just go by the Doctor's companions. I saw quite a few of the Rose episodes actually, a few of the Donna Noble ones, and none of the Martha ones.

And actually, I don't think you're strange at all... In fact, recently, I've come across many of "your kind". ;) In general, there's also a lot of fandom love for the awesome River Song. (And the show is officially "on the list" - but it's such a LOOONG list...) ><"


cj_quickwit February 23 2011, 09:08:37 UTC
Rambliness and randomness. Got it ;)

Yeah, a lot of people go by the companions. Rose was season 1 & 2, with doctors 9 & 10. Martha was season 3 and Donna (oh, Donna, I bloody love you) was David Tennant's (10's) last season.

And I too have noticed an upsurge in River Song fans (though I also distinctly remember, after her first appearance, how many despised her because *shock!horror* she couldn't mean more to him than Rose could! *is rolling eyes*).

It's probably due to her having quite a few guest appearances the season just gone - and the fact that she was just FUCKING awesome in The Pandorica Opens, prob one of the best eps ever. Oh, and she and Matt Smith have fantastic chemistry.

You should move New Who to the top. Seriously, it's just ... sci-fi, you know? The way it's always been, the way it should always be. Am I making any sense?


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