News, news, news! Back home again, thank goodness. I won't go into the ridiculous list of wild things that have overtaken my life recently, but I think the storm is just about over.
Anyways, I woke up this morning and I said, "Today I am going to post fic." So here I am, posting fic.
Double Cross update; god this is so much fun to write. And now that I've actually got time, I can really dig into it. Wonderful. Oh, and since it was posted an age ago: the
prologue, in case you're interested-- with added links to Wikipedia for your reading ease.
Europe, After the Rain : IwroteXMFCficpleasedonotjudgeme. Shiny new fandoms have and always will be my undoing. Plus that movie was about as slash-free as a thing that is not slash-free at all, so there.
Oh, and to all my fellow Tumblerites who've been spoiling themselves for series 2 of Sherlock as terribly as I've been, I have but one word for you:
I'm still screaming.