A fictional history of Dunwich, Suffolk

Dec 14, 2005 04:31

Those of you interested in my forthcoming Vampire roleplaying campaign might be aware that I decided to base it on the real lost city of Dunwich, which fell in to the sea following the storm of 1287 which led to the harbour silting up and the abandonment of the flood defences. In my game the city was not destroyed, and in fact propsered another 700 years - the game is set in 1988. I have created a few files for the game as background, but most noteworthy is...

A fictional history of Dunwich

Main page, with map and links to real Dunwich!

I wonder if you can spot what is real and what I made up? :) Jonathan Elcock raised on the discussion on rpg.net the problem that a fictitious city is very hard for players, as it limits their possibilities in play. I am therefore trying to breathe flesh on to the bones of my plot and make the town seem as real as possible. Much more to go yet though!

cj x
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