Andrew is always telling me to watch television. Well in fact when I am whittering about something he advises me to talk about what I saw last night on TV. Well I don't watch that much TV, so that proves sticky. Tonight I was a bit bored, so I put the TV on. It was Celebrity Big Brother. I think the celebrity bit should be the basis for a prosecution under the Trades Decription Act. Ok, Pete Burns counts, to my generation. Rula Lenska. Michael Barrymore - I suppose so. Er, the rest of them - who? OK I don't "engage much with popular culture" as I infamously once informed my family - their reply is unpriontable - but surely these people are not really celebrities? A lady who slept with teh England Football team manager? Er, what? I'm sure I know people who have slept with football or cricket or rugby stars, or maybe all three, but they hardly count themselves as celebrities.
Ok the band guys I was never going to know - it would have taken Andrew Eldritch, Wayne Hussye or maybe Morrisey, Johnny Marr, Robert Smith or Pete Murphy for me to stand a chance of recognising them, or maybe Prince or Micheal Jackson or Leo Sayer, or Bowie... ok I'm not good with faces. I never recognise Madonna because she no longer looks like she did in '85, which is damned unsporting of her, and in fact probably depresses her as well.
Anyway some of the ones I did not recognise were interesting, and I think one was in Hollyoaks, a program I have never loved, just like Elvis and the Wonderstuff.
Anyway I'm rambling having had my brain frazzled by an hour of inane bollocks, a show best described as a pus filled zit exploding over the unwashed buttocks of TV. Bu because i'm rambling I have to say "did you see thta programme on TV last night?" and the horror comes back.
So, in short, I blame Andrew,