Round 3: Isleen

Mar 26, 2009 19:35

Entry 4

Amalia - Female Elder - Knowledge - Sagittarius - LTW: Become Media Magnet
Franz - Male Teen - Popularity - Sagittarius - LTW: Become Captain Hero
Anneliese - Female Child - Libra
Gisela - Female Child - Virgo

Journal 4,

I do not even know where to start. Our time here in Breeze Point has been a roller coaster. I look at what we have, this house, our grandma, and each other, and that is it. I'm getting ready to head off the college and I'll have to leave the twins behind. It just all makes what happened that more difficult.

Grandma got home from work and death came for her. She had barely gotten out of the car, and she had invited her friend over as well. Death was there as I came out to say hello. I knew that she was starting to feel her age, but I can't believe it's gone. Parents, grandpa, now grandma. It's fully up to me now, and I know it. What makes it all even worse, is right after grandma died by the car the twins had their birthday. If grandma had just survived for another hour or two she would have been able to see it.

Gisela Isleen
Female Teen, Popularity
LTW: Become Celebrity Chef
Turn ons: Formal wear and Blond hair
Turn off: Werewolves
Anneliese Isleen
Female Teen, Popularity
LTW: Become Celebrity Chef
Turn ons: Jewelry and Great Cook
Turn off: Brown hair

I'm sure that mom, dad, and grandma would be proud of them.  I'm getting ready to head off to college soon, and I'm sure that they will be soon as well.  We've really had to bond together, since it's been really hard to deal with losing grandma.



This has been a tough transition into teenage hood.  I mean I grew up well, surrounded by my family, but minus my grandma.  Grandma died on Gisela and I's birthday.  We're in high school now, which is much more interesting.  We both have friends, but I know we both want a lot more.  It's funny, but Gisela and I want to do the same thing for a living.  We both have dreams of being Celebrity Chefs.  I just want to do what I can to stay close with the last family I have left.



Hi Diary,

I think the older I get the harder life seems to be.  I did not like school before, and high school has not changed my opinion.  I still do not like school, and homework still is not fun.  We did get a small basketball court and that is a lot more fun for me.  The only class I can really get behind is cooking class.  Grandma died, right before our birthday, which made that even harder.  I know Franz is going to get ready to go to college soon, and it's going to be fully up to me and Anneliese to take care of the house and everything else while he's at school.



isleen, round 3, breeze point

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