Entry 13
Franz - Male Adult - Popularity - Sagittarius - LTW: Become Captain Hero/Become General
Biyu - Female Adult - Popularity - Taurus - LTW: Have 20 Simultaneous Pet Best Friends
Ulrich - Male Teen - Knowledge - Taurus - LTW: Become Mad Scientist
Jian - Male Teen - Family - Sagittarius - LTW: Graduate 3 Children from College
Last Entry: Biyu finally reached her LTW of 20 pet best friends and start selling many of the animals. Jian grew into a teenager and had a nice party, and Franz worked. Finally, the family parrot died...he has to have been one of the longest living parrots. He lasted through almost 2 full rounds.
The Kimon family started with Chen and his 2 granddaughters, of which Biyu is the younger of the two. Biyu has an older sister Hua-Ling who is married to Arcadia and they have one son. Biyu also has an adopted uncle named Alon who is married to Becca Rauscher. There are 3 boys on this "wrung" of the ladder and then Becca and Alon's daughter, Yu.
Franz's family isn't much bigger than Biyu's. The founder is Amalia and she came with her three grandchildren, Annelise and Gisela (the twins) and Franz, who is the oldest. Franz's sisters each have children. In total, at the moment, there are currently 5 cousins, 3 boys, and two girls. Officially Elenore is not related as she is Kiyoshi's daughter and he and Anneliese have never married, but the two raise her as their daughter and that is all that counts.
Journal Entry 13,
It never ceases to amaze me how much our family has grown and changed over the years. There has been so much loss in Biyu's life, as well as my own, but we have a family who is growing and doing so well. I never dreamed, when we moved here all those years ago, that I would find love and happiness like this.
I have two sons who are close to each other and spend a lot of time together. They are amazing to watch grow up and I still sometimes can't believe they are mine.
I have seen Jian spending quite a bit of time with Lena Bar. I think they may be considering dating. She is a very cute girl, and our families are close. I do hope they will let their old dad get to know any girls they date, but I don't know if they will.
Biyu has always done such a great job with the cats and dogs she has brought in. We still have quite a few animals around here and I doubt I would ever be able to convince Biyu to part with all of them. Biyu also spends a lot of time with the boys. She enjoys playing games with Ulrich, who got himself a job and is doing really well. He seems to enjoy working in science a lot, and I know his dream is to become a mad scientist.
I was hard to believe Biyu and I were going to have birthday's coming up. It was harder to believe we were going to be considered 'elders.' So many of our friends and family came over, we have made such a life here. Biyu and I grew up wonderfully and had an amazing party to celebrate. Although maybe I am getting old, since I decided to stay in my boxers for the whole party.
Biyu and I did manage to find some clothes better suited for us, and Biyu decided a change in hair was warranted. I think she still looks beautiful, and I think I look pretty dapper with gray hair.
I have been spending a lot more time doing leisurely type things. I suppose it is about time for me to think about retirement coming up, but I still feel like I've got the spark to keep going for at least a little while. I have still enjoyed doing things like bird watching a lot more recently.
My suspicious about Jian and Lena were apparently correct because one day Jian brought her home and said they were going to go out. I did get a chance to talk to her some before they left, however, and from the way, Jian talks the date went pretty well.
Jian has been able to make a lot of friends and goes out frequently. Sometimes it's with groups of adults than even teenagers. One time I am pretty sure he went out with Lena's dad Patrick and a group of people. Still, he spends time at home and alone a lot too.
At home, things are still pretty much the same. We try to have family dinners once in awhile, and we frequently have a guest, usually, it's a friend one of the boys brings home from school. Biyu and I continue to take care of the menagerie of animals we have and I am pretty sure Biyu still loves every minute of time she gets to spend with them.
As is pretty usual around this town, on Saturday's we go out to the lake and spend time just talking or fishing. We tend to bring at least the dogs with us, although sometimes the cats come as well. It's a great way for us to all get outside and the dogs have lots of room to run around and usually there is plenty of attention to be had as well. Biyu enjoys cooking up some hotdogs and sitting around talking with all the other visitors.
The boys surprised us one day by asking if they could have dates over at the house. Of course, we both said yes, at least this way we could keep a bit of an eye out on them. Ulrich had never really talked much about girls, although I knew he was interested in some, but no one that really made him excited, but that all changed when he met Tosha. (AN: I actually didn't expect him to find anyone until college, but all of a sudden he met Tosha and they have 2 bolts of attraction so they are a good match) We mostly stayed in the back rooms, but occasionally we would check out in the living room.
Each of the boys said the dates went well. Ulrich really found himself liking Tosha a lot, and she gave him his first kiss. He also found out she was going to the same college as he was. I would imagine, unless he meets someone else, we should expect to welcome Tosha into the family in a few years. Jian also got his first kiss from Lena.
He told us that she said she was totally in love with him and wanted them to be together forever. I'm not sure if Jian fully felt the same, but he is a young boy. I would expect in the next years he may grow to feel the same about her, but time will tell.
Ulrich is now off to college and was able to get some good scholarships. He got ones for communication, high grades, maintaining his job, and for creativity. We are so proud of him and Biyu and I made sure we were there to see him off. We even had another visitor appear to see Ulrich off as well. Fah-Zhai came and said goodbye, scaring Jian nearly to death I might add.
We did end up with another puppy from one of the dogs, and the cats might be pregnant as well. The puppy was put up for adoption. Biyu said she has made her friends but does want to make sure there are animals for those who want them. I'm not sure who else would need any in this hood, but maybe someday in the near future.
Towards the end of the season, I wanted to see my sisters and their families. So we invited everyone over and had a wonderful time hanging out altogether. I haven't had a chance to really get to my know my nieces and nephew yet, but I hope as they start to get older we can have more family events like this again. Yes, life is amazing it how it turns out.