Round 11: Chen (Arman 2)

Jul 26, 2012 03:17

Chen (Arman)
Entry 5

Ryan Chen - Male Adult - Pleasure - Taurus - LTW: Become Celebrity Chef - Major: Art
Bianca Arman - Female Adult - Pleasure - Capricorn - LTW: Become a Game Designer - Major: Math
Orlando Chen - Male Child - Capricorn
Venceslao Chen - Male Toddler - Sagittarius
Last Entry: Bianca and Ryan began to reconnect and work on their relationship.  A second son, Venceslao, was born to the couple.  Bianca lost her job, the family got a dog from Biyu and they celebrated Christmas.


(Click image to see it bigger) The Arman family tree is one of the biggest, and will be even bigger when the rest of Daniela's kids get back from uni. Bianca is the eldest and first daughter of Daniela Arman and was a child when she moved to Breeze Point. She has 2 full sisters and then 1 half-sister and 2 half-brothers.  She currently has 5 nieces and nephews. Ryan Chen has no family background since he was a uni townie.  Orlando is the oldest child and has a younger brother Venceslao giving Daniella currently 7 grandchildren.

From Ryan,

I am happy to say Bianca and I are getting closer each day.  The boys seem to really like having their mom home with them all day.  I will admit that I had forgotten how much word a toddler can be.

Getting Venceslao potty trained was a big must.  Neither Bianca or I are very fond of changing diapers and while we love this little guy, the more self-sufficient he is the more time we have to spend on each other. Which is something we still need.

I also worked to get him able to walk, which seemed like a better idea before it was done.  Now he toddles around the house and gets into everything.  At least before he didn't get very far very fast.

Bianca took time one afternoon to train Venceslao to talk.  This makes it so much easier to understand what he is wanting or needing.  It's amazing how much time not needing to try and translate what he need is saved.

Orlando Chen
Male Teen, Fortune
LTW: Become Space Pirate
Turn Ons: Blonde Hair and Red Hair
Turn Off: Black Hair
Orlando is doing very well in school and is starting to make some friends.  He's such a shy boy though. I hope his becoming a teenager will help him.

Luckily shortly after Orlando's birthday Bianca got Venceslao potty trained.  He spends the majority of the time playing with his toys now.  Our dog seems to have taking a strong interest in him and guards him while he plays.

Orlando really cares about his little brother and taught him the nursery rhyme we taught him as a little boy.  Hard to believe so much time has passed since then.

Orlando may be a shy boy, but he's very smart.  Bianca began teaching him how to make candies.  It wasn't going very well at first, but he is getting the hang of it.

He also spends a lot of time studying and working out.  I think he's trying to attract some girls attention.

Venceslao really loves the family dog, I'm so glad we got him from Biyu.  He's a very good dog.

Before any of us were ready, or at least myself, it was time for Venceslao to grow up.  Bianca threw together a huge party with a lot of family and many of our friends from the neighborhood.  We didn't invite either Denis or Marylena just to keep from having any more snafoos.

Bianca took him to the cake and helped him to blow out the candles and right before our very eyes we had a school age child.  I'm not sure I'm ready for it, but maybe with both kids in school Bianca and I can finish the healing process.

Bianca has been working to get to know her half brother Cristiano better and she is actually very close to her step-dad.  I'm glad she is close with her family, so the kids have family to get to know.

Venceslao is a very playful little boy, and we have to constantly remind him not to use the banister as a slide.  It doesn't seem to do much good.

With Bianca not working right now she tries hard to get the whole family to sit down together for dinner.  Sometimes it works, but I love her for trying.

Venceslao was needing some help with school and Bianca was there to help.  She's enjoying being a stay-at-home mom and has told me she isn't interested in going back to work.

We wanted to get Venceslao into private school with Orlando, and I don't know if Bianca was worried they wouldn't let another one of our kids in or what, but she sure surprised me and the headmaster with her attire for the meeting.  They let us in though.

Orlando is bound and determined to beat me at a game someday.  I've told him I was trained by one of the best, his mother, but he's getting pretty good.

Bianca and I got another dog and took everyone on an outing to the lake.  It was like a dog park that day, I've never seen so many dogs, but it was great fun for the kids, and the dogs to play outside.

With Venceslao grown up some more Bianca wanted to have a big family gathering, so she invited her whole family and quite a few of them came.  Bianca was thrilled.

Venceslao really got to bond with his grandmother and hit it off well with his step-granddad too.  The rest of us "adults" enjoyed some conversation over dinner.

I am blown away sometimes by how much Ryan looks like me, and Venceslao definitely takes after his mother.  It's very evident in our new family portrait as well.




My baby brother is now a kid and pretty fun to be around.  I'm still trying to beat my dad at our game, maybe one day I'll even be able to beat mom.  I think it would be nice to have a girlfriend.  Maybe I need to get a car first.



Techer sayd to rite wat I think abot.  I think abot mommie and dadie. I think abot playing with Lando and I love aur dogs.



round 11, chen, arman, breeze point

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