Entry 12
Alon Kimon - Male Adult - Fortune - Aries - LTW: Become Criminal Mastermind - Major: Math
Becca Rauscher-Kimon - Female Adult - Fortune - Cancer - LTW: Become the Law - Major: Political Science (1st Gen 2)
Last Entry: Alon and Becca celebrated their wedding with friends and family and shortly after Christa went to join Chen on the "other side." Alon reached his LTW and Christa's ghost visited. Alvin Bigfoot mostly stayed in the background.
This is Alon Kimon's family tree, which is still one of the smaller ones of the neighborhood. Chen is the founder of the family and he moved here with granddaughters Hua-Ling and Biyu. Later, after marrying Christa he adopted Alon.
On the other hand, Becca comes from one of the biggest families in the 'hood. Eniola is the founder of the Yerazig/Rauscher clan and moved here with his daughter Akinyi and granddaughters Ekene and Kirabo. Akinyi later married Bruce Rauscher and had 4 more kids, Becca being the first.
I finally found my job and have been working my way to becoming The Law, and I have achieved it! I am located on top of the world.
Alon has taken up sewing, using his mom/dad's old sewing machine. It is my understanding he finds it a comfort and a way keep "in touch" with them so to speak.
Alvin has taken to helping us cope with the losses in his own way. The "therapy" does wonders for Alon.
Alvin has been of invaluable help to us. With both Alon and myself working now Alvin has taken on the care of Alegra and Ash. Both cats seem to accept his care and enjoy his play.
Alon takes time out for himself often. It is common to find him out tending to our fruit tree or taking care of the cats himself.
Christa has taken to letting us know she is still around. She seems to take pleasure in scaring Alvin and Alon. I do not feel seeing her is truly helping Alon to cope, but it's nearly impossible to control a ghost.
Alon and I spend as much time as we can enjoying our life and enjoying each other. We truly have a good life here in Breeze Point.
There was one scary night when a burglar tried to break into our house. Technically he did break into our house but Alvin was on it. That beggar didn't know what to do when faced with an angry Bigfoot.
The cats, having a lot of time by themselves, enjoy the cat toys they have. They both seem to have their favorites.
Alon and myself got a bit of a surprise when I found out I was pregnant with our first child. Neither of us want a big family, especially since I come from one big enough for the whole town.
While on maternity leave I tried to spend more time with the cats. They weren't getting along great, but they seem to be doing better now. We also had a visit from Chen's old cat. I was worried the scare might hurt the pregnancy but everything was ok.
Alon did his best to be there for me, although at times he would get distracted.
Late one night, while Alon was at work I felt the first pains of labor hit me. It was an experience I can't believe my mother went through 5 times.
At the end I was blest to have a beautiful son. Alon and I decided to name him Yu. It's crazy to think he is a 3rd generation "Rauscher" to live in Breeze Point. He's a very sweet little boy.
Once things settled down we decided to have a big family get together and introduce Yu to the whole family. We had a lot of fun and everyone loves Yu.
Life is good right now for both Alon and myself. After the tragedies we've had it feels good to be on top. I can only hope it will last for awhile.