This is the clock up on the wall.. This is the story of us all

Dec 14, 2007 13:45

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

Well It was a big couple of days of movie watching for me so I’ll run through them quick….

Yes I know I’ve already said this was one of the best action movies of 2007. I know it’s been mentioned previously but I felt that this was a DVD that I should bring up a second commentary on now that I both own it and have watched it. This was my favorite action film of ‘07 until the new Bourne movie came out… and still holds the #2 spot (though the year isn’t over.. yet. This weekend alone it may drop a spot and theres still 1 movie on top of that which could rank…) At any rate I’m rambling. There is one and one reason alone that watching the unrated version deserves the purchase. My bigged complaint (I have a new biggest complaint I’ll toss in in a second..) my biggest was by far not being able to hear “Yippie Ki-Yay Motherfucker!” without the gunshot ruining it. If you haven’t seen the movie yet and have not yet heard about that your living under a rock action movie wise so deal. Yes at the theature it was censored however the unrated edition had it in it’s full John McClane glory. … ok now for my only real complaint. The airplane scene. TOO over the top even for our favorite hero. Great movie and so worth the buy. Glad to have it in the collection finally.

Road to Perdition.. Ok let’s start with the cast… Tom Hanks in a dark roll. Daniel Craig as an asshole. Paul Newman a classic star as a gangster. Jude law as a psychotic photographer / hitman / serial killer. Off the bat you know with a good plot you just can’t go wrong. So let’s go with the plot… based off of a graphic novel and from the director of American Beauty the story takes place with a hitman (Hanks) whose son witnesses a murder. His boss’s son who is a control freak that is attempting to take his father’s place early decides the son and family are liabilities. Hank’s wife and son are murdered, though not the son who witnessed the original murder. The rest of this movie plays out as a story of a man learning to be a father. A man striving for revenge. A man wanting nothing more than to deliver his son to safety. It is a story of redemption. It’s not often where you watch the events of a main character play out through someone else’s eyes in the story but thats exactly what happens here. The entire film you are being fed the story and the view of the father through the eyes of the surviving song. Judging and worshipping him through the son’s eyes. It was a refreshing plot device and with the cast and story done so well played out perfectly. I don’t know how I’ve missed seeing this movie until now but if you have yet to see it. Worth at the very least a rent. Replay value for most people may be iffy but you will enjoy at least one view of it.

Rob Zombie is a twisted director. His first two movies showed that first off he was completely demented… and second off that he knows how to direct a perfect horror movie. I can’t stress enough that the man is a genious at the trade and his years of throwing on a stageshow as a singer never did him justice compared to his directing. (If you have the stomache to overlook his over the top style of course.) I have to admit I never thought Halloween of all horror movies would need to be remade.. or that it should. I enjoyed the series however I truely never felt that it was one that needed to run as long as it did or be revisted. I was wrong. The movie was divided into parts and rightfully so. It was a GREAT way to reintroduce the character and series with a fresh start and much more enjoyable than.. dare I say.. the original. Zombie has a way with the insane and I’m looking forward to his next project. Anyone who can bring back a semi-sub par movie redone today and make it WORTH watching… awesome. Simply awesome.

Aside from the movies.. I’m finally DONE! .. I’ve finished my grandfather’s journal. Editing. Formatting. Everything. It’s done. I’M FREE! HAHAHAHAHHAAH! *twitches* Spent Wednesday night (and regretting it Thursday until about 1pm) over at the Bar Louie as normal. Smaller turnout this week than usual but with winter and the holidays I’m sure that’ll be down the next couple weeks anyway
Neil, Brad, Rose, Rob, Matt, and the now new guy James all showed.. I may have had too much to drink for a change… well … while my bill and passing out soon after getting home reflected it it didn’t seem to hit me too much past that =/ Must.. drink.. less. Oh well… for once it may have been good that Rex didn’t show… by now showing he gave us a chance to brainstorm some cube prank ideas. YOU HEAR THAT REX? oh there are once more ideas… hoho!

I also got some gaming in… a bit further into Puzzle Quest (only a few achievements left from just playing it through!) and while I was trying to wake up on Thursday played some Gears with Rose:

One more act on Hardcore and I’m finally done with the godforsaken game… oh wait.. no.. theres still Insanity. SHIT. (I have to admit I hate games with 10,000 random online multiplayer achievements. Seriously if I’m going to play 90% of the time it’s with someone I know already not with random strangers online. And why are there so few games you can do true co-op with on *1* system and not online? I mean seriously It’s really kind of pathetic when you think about it…. I love my 360. I really do. But there needs to be more TRUE multiplayer games. C’mon people. Seriously….)

gaming, movies, blog

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