Heroes in a half shell…

Mar 14, 2007 08:08

Originally published at Civin.org. Please leave any comments there.

It’s my real weekend.. hurray!
So what’s been happening over the past week? Well for starters I feel like showing off my shiney new toy.

I was looking to pickup two watches, one with a white face and one with a black so it would appear as if I am now half way there, I know what I want for my second watch but I need to justify the purchase

Other then that I’ve finished up on Season 1 of House with Rose, sweetness, as well as watched a pile of movies while at work. What can I say I’m enjoying the ability too while I can

This week’s X-Box live release is something I’ve been waiting a little bit for, thats right,

TMNT: The Arcade Game. Ok yes yes I know it’s still not Symphony of the Night but this is one of the games that stick out in my memory as a classic. So much time and money was spent at arcades and home systems trying to slowly work my way through this game, and with online multiplayer I just can’t wait. I also remember this game actually being challenging and I’m a bit curious as to how I’ll fair after all this time

In misc. areas of my life… I may have gotten a bit of side contract work for my cousin Reed(http://www.reedloar.com).. My ‘rents are still out of town, yay!.. I found one of my old artist friends online (he does some amazing work) and is interested in working together again.. My new rims came in(!!!).. I’ve been working out, dabbling with writing, and looking towards the future. I feel like I need more time in the day… if at the very least more time will allow me to get some sleep in for a change

gaming, blog

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