My Week In Review 8/19/11

Aug 19, 2011 11:28

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

End Of The Week Roundup: 8/19/11

Busy week working on wedding stuff but all kinds of fun stuff snuck in too. While we didn’t have a chance to walk our dog as much as usual we did get her an opportunity to play in a river and she had a blast. (And watching her jump against the ‘current’ so did we!) A TON of wedding stuff got taken out and we were able to spend some time in both the city and with friends. All in all, a damn good week. (By how many pictures are in this post I’m sure it’s easy to tell I found a new humorous picture site as well.)
  • Setup spot lights in the back so it’s easier to keep track of Ali when she’s trying to hide in the yard
  • Tuesday was off for a wonderful day in Chicago, went to Lucky’s for lunch (Man v Food challenge spot)
  • Ali had time to play in a river which was, absolutely hilarious
  • Leah and I went out for Ramen and Sushi with Rex and Kozue

Wedding Stuff
  • Wedding shower happened, holy shit gifts, Leah and all of the family had an absolute blast!
  • Cake testing. So done with cake. So sick of cake. Too much cake!
  • Figuring out wedding bands
  • Did the engagement photo session which ended up being a blast
  • Setup a block of rooms and setup booking information for the rooms on the wedding website!

  • Worked a little on the new layout for the BZ
  • We had someone redeem a prize on our PunchTab reward system for Buy Zombie! Win, it works
  • Watched Paul
  • Lots of TV but not much else movie wise really

My Writing
  • Submitted a piece of flash fiction, “The Full Moon” to the 31 Nights of Halloween anthology by Rain Storm Press


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