My Week In Review 8/12/11

Aug 12, 2011 11:05

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

End Of The Week Roundup: 8/12/11

I’ve done nothing this week. I’ve had a cold so my energy level has been hard enough to get through the work day, walk the dog only twice this week, and put on a happy face for the love of my life… honestly I’ve just been miserable and sick and am glad it’s Friday and I’m finally ‘starting’ to feel better.
  • Went to Misa’s wedding
  • Hung out with Brad, Ana, and the Ruffle Butt
  • Ali was a bit of a monster this week, granted it’s partially my fault for not walking her enough

Wedding Stuff
  • Leah and I met up with our wedding planner to get a betteridea of what all we had left to take care of still
  • Did someone say ducks?
  • Worked on a bit of the new layout for Buy Zombie
  • Watched Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet
  • Introduced Leah to Land of the Dead, she enjoyed most of the movie until the end and gave the same reaction that almost everyone else did, ‘wtf was the point of that?’
  • Read ALL of the Battle Angel Alita graphic novels, now to see if the second series after that ever got graphic novels
My Writing
  • No reviews this week but I’m about 500 words into a piece of flash fiction I want to finish by Monday to submit somewhere. I figured out where I want to go with it now to just make sure I keep it at 1500 words or under!


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