My Week In Review 7/8/11

Jul 08, 2011 13:38

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

End Of The Week Roundup: 7/8/11

Another week has gone by and this is one I’ve severely neglected updating the blog for. I haven’t ignored it all that often as of late (amazing I know!) but everyone needs a break now and again and this has been taking the back burner. Maybe it’s the extra dog in the house, maybe it was the 4th and playing catch up from it, maybe it’s been the busy week at work and I’ve just been tired but I’ve just felt that there was no blog time. That’s OK, everything else is going along smoothly for the most part.
  • Made it out to my Uncle Ken’s lake house in Michigan where we found out that Ali can swim! Most of my father’s side of the family was there and it was a good time
  • Dinner with my parents and grandfather on the 4th
  • My laptop may, at an inopportune time, be dying
  • I found out that the father of 2 of my closest friends growing up is in a coma after a stroke. Jian, Jia - here’s hoping he is able to make a speedy recovery
Wedding Stuff
  • Added more songs to our playlist
  • Invitations and guest address finding
  • A few random tasks checked off
  • Read the Fury MAX graphic novel
  • Watched His Name Was Jason: 30 Years Of Friday The 13th
  • Some TV and COD
My Writing


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