My Week In Review 5/20/11

May 21, 2011 10:53

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

End Of The Week Roundup: 5/20/11

A Friday roundup post on a Saturday? Did I forget? Am I losing what little grip I have on my sanity in my 30′s? Well, probably, but in this specific case I just had a busy day! With wedding stuff int he morning with Leah and hanging out with friends at night this little post just ended up getting overlooked! You’ll hear all about that next week though as long as today doesn’t bring about the raptors. It seriously disgusts me that the crazy douche bag who has predicted the comping of the raptor today has raised over 75 million dollars. Seriously, fuck that guy and fuck anyone who is enough of a nut job to believe the crap he’s spewing.
  • Leah and I went out and picked up all of her veggies for her veggie garden
  • Ali graduated her intermediate class, 2 sets of classes down, 1 main one to go!

Wedding Stuff
  • Narrowed down our Honeymoon plans

  • Finished Batman Beyond Season 2
  • Watched Scream 4
  • Watched Insidious
  • Watched They
My Writing
  • I actually did get a bit in on a short story that should have been done for quite some time now


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