Introducing… The iPaw’d

Apr 14, 2011 20:39

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

The iPaw’d - Apple To Dominate The Doggie Market

Now anyone who really knows me or follows my blog knows that I love Ali, the dog Leah and I rescued (from certain DOOM) earlier this year. Now of course if I love something I’m going to end up spoiling it and being a techie (even though I’d prefer a plush Android) this is right up my ally! Seriously I could not help but laugh at this wonderful piece of ‘tech’ for dogs out there to play with (I mean just look at those apps she’ll have access to while I’m away at work!)
Your dog wants a device

Sitting in our local bakery cafe recently, we noticed a gaggle of elementary school children, all with smartphones. Whether they were Mom and/or Dad’s smartphone or not, seeing those wee geek getting three stars at Angry Birds gave us pause. If the littlest of geeks are already embracing technology, why shouldn’t our pets? Our cats greatly enjoy their iPad game (you know the one - if you don’t, it’s easy to find!). But what about our doggy pals?

For now, there’s the Plush i’Pawd. It’s a slick device for your pooch and features icons for the following apps: FaceBark, DDDstore, DogTube, SaFurri, LocalTreats, and Bark Street Journal. Of course, since we know your dog enjoys chewing, we have made sure the i’Pawd is made only of the best chewable materials. Sadly, this means it won’t connect to the internet. Or work like a real iDevice. Maybe next year, dogs. Maybe next year.

You can buy one for YOUR dog over at Think Geek.


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