My Week In Review 07/23/10

Jul 23, 2010 13:07

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

End Of The Week Roundup: 07/23/10

So while it may not look as if this week has been productive from this list I’ve actually been overall spending a lot of time working on ATP, spending time with Punkin since she probably won’t be around that much longer, and of course spending time with Leah.

On a side note I can’t believe I’ve worked at my day job answering phones for 5 years now. Is it any wonder why I hate talking on the phone outside of work? Sure I have a lot more responsibility now and less phone time then I used to but still it’s amazing that I’ve stayed here this long. Being comfortable at this job is both a good and a bad thing but the main bonuses of having the ability to work on my own projects I hope pay off in spades in the next year. We’ll see!
  • Half day last Friday to be productive
  • Leah and I went out for dinner with James at Vesuvios
  • Helped my dad setup his surround sound
  • Lunch with Leah, her aunt, uncle, and cousin
  • Tried out Bistro Nami Sushi, mmm
  • Bit the bullet and installed Last.FM on my 360 and wondering why the hell it took me so long
  • Hit the 5 year mark at my day job. Technically I hit it on the 11th so last week but just had the review to make it official (and got a spiffy Movado clock with my name on it.)
  • Punkin is acting a LOT better but her numbers haven’t improved. She probably only has a week left unless she pulls off a miraculous recovery. That sucks.
  • Since I’ve been trying to spend time writing or paying attention to Punkin I’ve had a lot of TV and re-runs on movies
  • Caught up on Warehouse 13
  • Started watching Haven, not sure how I feel about it yet
  • Watched Graveyard Disturbance
  • Watched Deadtime Stories
  • Watched I Bought A Vampire Motorcycle
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