The Apple Bashing Bandwagon

Apr 29, 2010 14:12

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

Tablets Are The Future OR How You WILL Break Your iPad

Well that’s what we always seem to hear as of late by the digital media. With this being the case you absolutely know there will be a ton of fun ways for them to be both hacked and broken. This flowchart is a great reason though to explain WHY they will break.

[via: Gizmodo.]

But wait.. there’s more!

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Appholes Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Jon Steward Chimes In On Apple Having The Police Harass A Gizmodo Editor

Yes Apple had the police harass a Gizmodo editor. For those who don’t know about it, Gizmodo broke the story (and the law) by purchasing a lost prototype of the next iPhone. After multiple attempts by the person who found the phone they sold it to Gizmodo for $5,000. Who promptly also tried to return it. When Apple said it wasn’t a prototype they leaked the hell out of the specs that they found on the device. Out of the blue Apple wanted it back - by means of legal threat. What did Gizmodo do? What they originally offered to do of course, they gave it back.

Sounds like a great end to the story? How about following it up with the Gizmodo editor in charge of this having police break down his front door and confiscate all of his computer equipment. Not only did they do that but while taking his equipment they were shown that it was ILLEGAL for them to do so, ignored that, and still took it. Oh did we mention that the person who sold it to Gizmodo was contacted multiple times by Apple at this point? How much do you want to bet the person who lost it was replaced by an iRobot and is actually chained up being tortured in the Apple HQ Dungeon (basement.) Really Jon Stewart said it best so I suggest watching his little video above.

Do I really have any reason to bash on Apple? Now I own an iPod or two.. or three but have not bought anything else they have out (nor do I plan too.) As a company I’m torn. They have some great products out there but I just dislike the MacOS. It’s a feeling that will never change and when I can find so much great humor in one day while I’m stuck at work what else should I be doing but posting it? So for the mac lovers who read this site.. I just couldn’t help myself. (Really how can you disagree with Jon Stewart at his best anyway?)


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