The Madness…

Mar 29, 2010 08:57

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

…It Begins Again

I was thinking of starting the week with a fun recap of everything entertaining I did with my week off of work. You know… the one where all of my friends in Chicago dealt with cold weather and snow while I was in 85 degrees enjoying the sun, the water, the alcohol, and of course my scrumptiously tanned woman.

Honestly coming back would have been almost bearable (not really) if it weren’t for having it sprung on me that they already put me back in first for rotation for off hour support. I found this out a few minutes after the office closed Sunday night with 3 calls and with 2 this morning. Ouch!

Seriously though I have no reason to complain as I’m still in a great mood (if a bit tired from being woken up at 5am) so now - off to be productive!


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