What Would Make Twilight a Good Movie?

Jul 23, 2009 15:08

Originally published at Civin.org. Please leave any comments there.

From What I’ve Heard This Is The Perfect Ending To Twilight

Now I know there are a LOT of Twilight fans out there. This is for those who aren’t real fans of the whole teen vampire romance angle. I haven’t read the series. Two of my friends have told me I should and quite a few more have told me I shouldn’t. There is a copy sitting at my place gathering dust. Who knows if it will ever be opened. Even if I ever get suckered into reading it I can guarantee I will never be suckered into watching it.

Yes that’s right the perfect ending to Twlight is Blade. Blade bursting on set with sword in hand doing exactly what he does best with vampires. I honestly don’t know where this Photoshop came from but whoever created it- thank you for greatness!


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