Five easy pieces

Aug 16, 2013 23:03

I momentarily get to spew everything on here because I've now connected with someone irl on Tumblr and he's a writer I respect and admire so I can't really update with, like, Teen Wolf graphics and random shit about my day because Teen Wolf graphics. How my week went:

Monday: Dinner with Brazilian couple, Julio and Bianca, perhaps the cutest couple in the world. Julio's a grad student at Urbana-Champaign, Bianca is an artist who creates foam art spirals and paints Frida. They are originally from Rio de Janeiro. The cutest couple in the world! We went to Flame which was berlgh but whatever, buffet. I pitched them a limited look at the Twin Cities, i.e. only the parts I know, like Uptown and the MIA. They gave me long hugs and multiple kisses and then patted me on the head and called me cute. No, I said, you're cute! So cute! Too cute! Then my dad felt dizzy and his blood pressure spiked, so we took him to emergency.

Tuesday: Slept from about 3:45 AM to 6:21 AM. Woke up in the house alone because my mom spent the night at the hospital with my father. Forgot to brush my teeth. Went to work. Skipped my volunteer shift. Fell asleep many times before evening. My dad was craving chicken nuggets, so I bought him a 20-piece. I stole, like, three.

Wednesday: Dad gets discharged. I go to writing class and get workshopped. My writing sux but people are really nice about it. Mostly I'm too tired to think. Conference with Sally Franson, my instructor. She's so happy and funny and, how to say it. She's like, there for us. It's great. We mostly talked about how I need to slow the fuck down because my writing is basically like this condensed bundle of emotional triggers, and it might be actually novel to spread some of that shit out. Try a slow burn. It makes me really excited about my novel idea. All I can say is that there are reindeer.

Thursday: Dad has worrying levels of PSA. I am starting to run out of things to do at work. I get home and rush through an Afghani rice pilaf recipe but replace the basmati with Minnesota-grown wild rice, chyeah. I bring this deliciousness to the Science Museum for a presentation on Dubai and Egypt. Seeing pictures of Dubai make my heart hurt. But only a little. Egypt is my favorite ever, I cannot even articulate why. Okay, part of the reason is childhood romanticism, but that shit stays with you for a lifetime so you might as well go with it. Fucking Luxor temples and the Avenue of the Rams and the Pyramids, ugh I cannot. Brilliant, brilliant. Got complimented on the rice, which was great. Ate this fish spam patty, which was not so great. Went to meet Julio, Bianca, and my parents at a Chinese restaurant after. They came to our house and Julio gave me guitar tips. Bianca sang. The cutest couple in the world! More kisses.

Friday: I ran out of things to do at work. I talk to my supervisor about this, and he suggests new things. I feel both excitement and regret. I leave early for an interview with Organizing for America, to work as one of their Fall Fellows. Community organizing badam. I mean, it is unpaid, but phone banks, yo. The interview is at J&S Bean Factory, and when I walk in there I don't order anything. I am cheap, cheap cheap. Then I drive back to work and pick up my forgotten lunch bag. Then I get a facial and mild chemical peel because it's my birthday month and I get 15% off. Only for the birthday month. Only 66 bucks. I get home, fall asleep. My best friend comes in at 6:00 AM tomorrow. Debating whether I should do some work, or. 
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