What's the opposite of rapprochement

Mar 13, 2013 03:36

You know all those fics I used to read/write about one-sided and/or unrequited love and how it was so easy to read/write "she had been in love with him for five years" and it was supposed to convey devotion and inspire sympathy. Let me tell you, in real life five minutes is like five thousand years. Every second of any memory is torturous, like I would rather have painful, weeping eczema erupt all over my skin again as opposed to this.

I am trying to meditate. Occasionally it works, but it's weird because when it's successful then time seems to speed up extra fast.

My orchestra teacher was going through a divorce when I was in elementary school and everyone was afraid of him. I am turning into a crabby, occasionally erratic orchestra teacher, sans the mediocre cello skills.

(i.e. I hate my life, I hate it)
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