The infrequent nature of my posting...

May 04, 2004 18:04

God... trying to get my bloody sister off the PC so I can update is a right nightmmare! Every night for the last week she has been on here for an excess of 2 hours. Not usefull when I only spend about an hour a night at home when I am not sleeping! I have been out and about so much in the last week.

Last friday night, Sammeh wasn't feeling so good and asked to be on her own :-( so I went down to Brampton to confide in some of my old friends... Who should I see but my long lost best mate Ben! I swear I have not spoken to him or seen him in the last 6 months.... He was the reason I saw Oasis live (I would have never gone on my own!) We exchanged numbers again and hopefully we will go out for a drink in the not too distant future! And would you believe it, but I also saw an ex colleague of mine by the name of Sophie! I have fond memmories of Sophie. She was a really good friend to me when I was working in the Bakers Oven. I remember 1 night that involved her house, lots of Skunk Anansie and a whole bottle of Southern Comfort between the 2 of us!

Yesterday was supposed to be spent prom dress shopping for Sam but I dont think she trusts my opinion of how good she looks (I always think she looks stunning even If she has only just got out of bed!) So, What started out as Prom dress shopping, Quickly turned into book shopping! I finaly have a copy of The War Of The Worlds to call my own! Sam and I went out bowling with my mates Jenny and Bear in the evening. I Feel that Sam was extremely nervous about meeting any more of my mates but once she had everyone got on really well!

In other news... It's official... I am head over heals in love with Sam. There is no bad in her! She has kept me on my feet this week when I was havng a bit of a rough ride at home. I love you Sam and I hope I can give you the love and support you deserve.

Well, My car has had a little more attention over the past couple of weeks! I havent done anything to my car in a while as I was going through the 'I hate my car stage.' I have realised that fittting brakes is a job that anyone with a socket set can do! I love working on my car instead of paying a mechanic to do it! Also, my boot is now completely stripped out waiting for the new sound system to go in! Pictures will be on here soon!
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