i'm back (for now) + a little bit of today's everything

Nov 22, 2015 12:03

I haven't live journal-ed in years. I don't know why I am now, except for the fact that I wanted to make sure none of my entries were lost.

I started this journal in 2005 and actively wrote in it until 2008. I haven't recently reviewed any previous posts. A person changes a lot in ten years. I'm sure I would cringe upon reading some of them.

The look of my feed needs serious updating. Many have dropped me as a friend (understandably) and the ones that remain are most likely non-active live journal-ers like me.

Trying to decide what to do with this site. It's kind of a respite from other social media - not as in-your-face, more laid back and friendly and cozy and hidden.

I've recently acquired a curiosity stream subscription. So far I've ravaged the quantum physics clips. I'll probably do so again and again. They spark my philosophical juices and I can't help but view quantum computing, entanglement, and teleportation as it applies to practical, every-day life. It sounds impossible, but it is (possible).

I'm preparing for Thanksgiving dinner today (will shop for food and table decor) and doing laundry and writing and watching curiosity stream. I'll probably watch an episode or two of Jessica Jones later.

I get to have all three of my kids together for Thanksgiving. It will be just us and I'm so excited. It's been eight years since we did 'just us' for Thanksgiving. This year with two spouces and my grandson will be an extra bonus.

More to come. I'll be around.

i'm back, quantum physics, curiosity stream, jessica jones, my cozy social media corner

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