Jul 11, 2007 11:56
Libra (September 22 - October 22)
It may be hard for you to feel connected to anyone today, dear Libra. You are probably better off just keeping to yourself. If you are feeling sad or depressed, it is best to work through these feelings on your own. Other people are not apt to be too sympathetic to your situation. You are better off sticking to your work in order to keep the demons out of your head.
Hmmmm. Lemme see if I can interpret this one. Hard to feel connected to anyone today. Shaun and his daughter who is hyperactive and mentally handicaped. Sorry to those I may offend, but I have no idea what is currently PC for that phrase. Educationally Challenged? Mentally Draining on Others? I dunno. But this kid is beyond what I can handle. So Shaun asks me today if I want to take his kid to a museum or something because he is on vacation and wants some time away. Why does his vacation become my nightmare when he does not respect me or the rules of my home? He brought a gun to my house. He has a mentally handicaped child and keeps guns in the house. Does anyone else see some possible issues here? She carries his gun case around like a little purse.
"Better of sticking to my work" means "Get your writing deadlines met, you MORON!" Yeah, I have some deadlines coming up and have even let a few float by because my mental brick wall sprung up from the ground with a loud THUD, like one of those Road Runner cartoons. I hit that sucker and just can't seem to find a way through it. Then it dawned on me; the bright rays of reasoning touched my face bringing with it a lighting bolt of an idea. Yes, it did hurt, but this was my idea: If you can't bust THROUGH it, go AROUND it. There has to be an end of this wall somewhere. So I am trying to work on three different projects today in hopes that one of those projects just might lead me to greener pastures on the other side of this freakish wall.
So, I understand my horoscope today. I think I can follow it. I plan to spend the next 8 hours researching and writing. So take THAT, foul wall, fiendish demon to my soul that would wrest from me my great victory of getting Second Draft completed!!
Time to go clock in!