[Carå] I should be writing my home-exam

May 21, 2009 15:10

but how do you begin writing an exam when you don't have questions to answer? The only thing we have as a clue is the subject; which whould be "Language Learning and Teaching”.
Right, thank you for that clue, it really helps.
And to our help we have 1 book, syllabuses and our log books (which I never wrote in).


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It's half past three now and I'm bored. Maybe I'll try to finish Coffee Prince... though I can't remember where I left off.
Maybe I should watch a movie instead... or clean the apartment and do the dishes or SOMETHING.

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Yamapi as a basketball player. That can only be totally hilarious!
Nagase as a comedic James Bond. WTF? xDDD

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theme: exam, category: real life, group: news, media: drama, category: je, theme: homework, group: tokio, writer: carå

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