[Carå] Pointless post is pointless.

Mar 18, 2009 00:01

Random questions, ranting & mostly boring stuff.

#1 I need your advice.
On Friday I'm going to a new friend's birthday party.
And well, it being a new friend means I don't really know the "dresscode" they use for these events.
And I don't want to over-/under-dress. Yes, I know my life is meaningful and all that.
So, I found this awesome hoodie-dress today when I went shopping.
Problem is that it's...on the expensive side. It's a brand-dress, so I guess I should expect to pay a bit more but I don't know if it's worth it or not.
I really like it though. You could wear it casually or like un-casual depending on how you style it.

Basically, it looks like this:


Small pictures 'cause I stole them off the interwebs.

It costs:
749 SEK / 66,78 EUR  / 86,63 USD

I want it. But I'm not sure I should. I realize this post asking for your advice is... random.

Why the hell am I not seriously studying for my grammar exam on Monday? D:
I'm going to faaaaaaaaaail. For real this time. I can't get those stupid grammar-terms in my head.
I kind of know most of them in Swedish, but matching the Swedish term with the English term is harder than I thought.
And then there's the small fact that I haven't studied grammar properly since I was 13-ish? That's 7 years. (Why am I old again?)
Tomorrow I'm definitely leaving my apartment, finding a place to study at school and be there until I've at LEAST managed to figure out some of it.

Tess and Jessica (and Iris?) is coming to us during the easter-break. Now I have to look up some places to show them that they haven't seen and take them out XD Simba and Puss is more likely to die of stress than not when there's going to be 3 more people in this apartment. Well, they have to get used to people someday and why not have a crash-course? 8D

Do you know how HARD it is to find a hairdresser-salon that doesn't look like crap? I mean, I don't want to spend too much money on a haircut, but if it's too cheap it's not really a great thing either? And I don't trust them with my hair. Curly hair is not the same thing as straight hair. And with a population with mostly straight hair (or flattened) it's kind of hard sometimes to get the message across that I do not want to spend like 30min every morning on flattening my hair so the style looks great. I'm not Iris. I have to get my hair cut like this month. I'll ask Sandra about it when we have classes again.

Thanks for letting me write another pointless and mostly boring post. I'll try to do fandom stuff next time?

theme: random, theme: friends, media: pictures, theme: birthday, category: real life, writer: carå

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