[Carå] I'm a geek, and I'm bored... thus = "Carå presents, Akanishi look-alike spam-post!!!"

Jan 09, 2009 16:56

CARÅ PRESENTS: Akanishi Jin look-alike spam post!!!~
Right. I watched FROGS and FROGS-spin off yesterday.
And it was brilliant. BRILLIANT.
Tess'll have to cut out the part where they do the dance from my .gif in the stageplay later on.

Anyway, when I was watching FROGS-spin off I suddenly jumped right up and was like:
"Why the hell did he just look like Akanishi Jin?"
...'cause to be honest, he really doesn't.
Well, since Iris is totally biased towards Jin, I thought I'd give her a reason to watch it.
This meant me searching for Akanishi-look-alike pics in his blog.

You know you want to see the look-alike ;D

This one is mostly for fun, imagine this in your flist "OMGZ!!?!?! DiD YoU GuyS KNOW Jiiiiiinjin Was in RESCUE!?!?!?"
Right, that was my first thought.
Let's move on to more pics:

You can see the resemblance? x'D I think it's all in the hair.... and the face x'D

For the final kill:

I'm telling you, it's Bakanishis secret twin!!! x'D
Pity he's not as hotstuff as Jin is though.
But we like him anyway, Uehara Takuya~

Oh, and as a gift;

"OMG" Jiiiinjiiiin is blond! Or is he? IDK!!! :DD:D But, he would ToTaLlY lOoOk ~*HOT*~ in it!!!~"
Images credit: Takuya Official Blog
I'm sorry if you don't find this funny. I do.
And I certanly did 2AM this morning x'D

theme: random, theme: insane, group: kat-tun, media: pictures, category: amuse, theme: flail

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