(no subject)

Jul 16, 2010 07:47

I dont need to wake up sore from being pushed around by you, its bad enough i cry most the day because of how hurtful you are to me verbally... im not aloud to move, let alone go anywhere without you needing to be there every second.

I recorded how you talk to me days ago, on my friend brittanys recorder, its made for your drawn out fights. i was going to take it to the police if you denied hurting me...  but I hope you wont do that... I deleted it later because I couldn't do that to you and it made me cry every moment listening to it...

funny how you pull a recorder on me... exclaim I am the problem.
bet we were both on our best behavior while yours was running, you should have heard the shit you said on mine.

I am so sick and tired.
I cant eat or sleep.
just go away.
go far far away i can't even think of you.

i try to stop the drinking but you keep chugging and you keep going and going...
spend your last dollar on a pack of smokes or a bottle...

Its disgusting.

When I cry I wish everytime and everyday I had someone there to hold me and listen to me and calm me down.
Never do I wish someone so fixed on using me for every last penny was there.
You demean me like no other and I hope you are happy.

i hope constantly being verbally and physically abused day in and day out it would make me seem more chipper... oh wait, besides Adam just expects that... that isn't going to happen.

I am the most bitter and jaded person you could ever meet.

by "my family" and my "significant other" i think by joining forces they think they wont be scene as abusive as they are.

but they are.

They will make you feel like shit on a stick and then take your last dollar.

they dont know love, they know drugs and addictions and need to be put away before they hurt someone stronger then me....

I wake up everyday fully clothed to a mess that is impossible to clean up when people dont listen to you... i cry//

.. just ask me...


just fuck off,

I will try not to cry every morning if you try and not record me and get the fuck out of my life every second.
lets try not to interrogate... leave me alone, quit using me. leave me THE FUCKK ALONE. 
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