Wow, are you still here?

Feb 10, 2011 14:06

it's been a looooooong time since I thought to write anything here - I've been busy with other projects - some of which I have even completed (not many, admittedly, but some!)

so far, my plans for this year are:
1. remain gainfully employed (I may not particularly like my workplace, but the money it generates keeps me off the streets)
2. learn more French than I currently know (I'm attending a WEA course, using a Teach-Yourself-Audiobook, and practicing over Skype with my friend from La Rochelle)
3. visit my La Rochelle friend (this will happen in 74 days or so - providing my Travel Agent books the train ticket from Paris to La Rochelle)
4. finish my current programming project - a read-a-long audio book (consists of two programs, a reader and a writer - I had to come up with my own format to store everything in a single book-file, pretty pleased with it so far)
5. open the Gamer's Lounge (I think I'll go into more detail once this is further advanced - this IS a public forum, after all)
6. perhaps expand my gaming/friend circle (nothing wrong with the one/s I have now, but Adelaide-syndrome being what it is, things get a little gamacestuous)

now, these points aren't resolutions in any way, just the things I'd like, I expect to happen - if they don't, they don't (long cat is long)

anyway, here's hoping some, if not all, of these go ahead
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