Born the youngest of a trio of loud, tightly watched kids to a dotting mother and a father deeply involved in his Army career; Kori had already seen more of the world by the age of six than most people ever see their entire lives. Every few months it was a new Base, new people, and a new country. He learned a bit of the local language in Germany, built sandcastles on the shores of the Sagami River in Twain, and listened to his mother swoon over the culture experience of living in Caserma Ederle in Italy.
There was always some new spot, new people, the scenery shifted with that nearly yearly upset and sudden reassignment. And while the older children; his sister Lyanna being three years older and their brother Jorge being four years older than her, learned to be social and outgoing from all the new prospects he ended up not straying too far from under their mother's watchful eye.
Okay, so he was basically the baby of the family and acted it, but it was a comfortable spot when the world around him was always in a state of flux.
He was totally a whiny, little, clumsy kid; the type most people think are just adorable...until they have to be around them for more than an hour or two.
He grew out of the whiny stage, thankfully, but not so much the clumsy problems. By the time he hit the end of fourth grade his father already had big ambitions for his brood. Lyanna, such a bright and insightful youngster, was just perfect to rule over some high class company and the boys, well, they were going to follow in their father's shoes and take up a successful career in the Army straight out of high school.
Before that, of course, there was time for other plans. And they had a busy life; Lyanna was enrolled in music lessons, Kori and Jorge were sent right into sports on Base.
Which worked out great for Jorge, he was a fair copy of their father; athletic and a natural leader.
Kori...not so much so.
His father had to admit, with a bit of exercised tolerance; that his youngest son had all the grace of a lame giraffe and a real talent for fleeing to avoid getting smacked in the skull with flying objects. One would think that'd be common sense, right?
So it didn't turn out so well, their mother practically had a fit the first broken bone Kori returned home with and his sports career was, thankfully, short.
Now his sister's music lessons, that he took a swift interest in.
Just as well, Lyanna was more content to play on the field with the boys, so with a bit of convincing by their mother that it was pointless to just let all that money spent go to waste Kori took up the guitar for the first time in his young life.
And he became obsessed, to say the least.
By high school he'd expanded into other instruments and spent more time with his radio than he did with other human beings. His exposure was still a bit limited though; most Base broadcasts were throwbacks from years prior and he had plenty to catch up with. Even more so when midway through his Freshman year his father was killed in active duty.
The wave it sent through the family was shattering, pulling life back together afterward was more of a trial then any of them were prepared for.
But, life continued.
Public school was an enlightening experience, at the very least, and exposed to more than just the strictly scheduled life he'd been raised around; he finally had a chance to explore. With his generally mellow nature and quiet tendencies making friends wasn't too difficult, but neither was getting into trouble; he ended up more of a follower than a leader. But it just took some growing up to get his feet more firmly under him and by the time he was ready to graduate early at seventeen he was already planning out a complicated life for himself.
It just didn't...exactly...stick.
He stayed in college for two years, well into his training in Musical Therapy; a job that seemed fitting not only for his deep connection with the sound and melody he loved so very much but because his personality that had a way of putting people at ease. And for the most part he enjoyed his classes, not only because he felt as though he was going to reach a point where he could actually help people but in part because the course itself was one that encouraged deep understanding of self in the process.
As his confidence grew it settled into a place he had been missing, gave him a desire to reach beyond what was expected of him and see if he could find more in the thick haze he felt as though was finally lifting from his shoulders.
But something stronger took hold of him, sent him breaking from that preset path and out on his own; something he didn't fully understand. But with the conviction that he still has plenty of time to finish what he started in school, and he does plan to once he's had his fill of the world under his own worn sneakers, he took off for a less structured existence of traveling with the seasons and keeping himself fed with the talent in his own two hands and the guitar strapped to his shoulder.
He's been across most of the Eastern coast and through the South in colder months; until the past year when he settled in with his sister in New York after a bout of sickness forced him to rest through part of the previous winter. But it doesn't seem all that bad to him, with spring and his strength pulling itself back to a manageable level he's been out exploring the city and enjoying what it has to offer.
And the fact that the tourists are awfully generous does help his favorable opinion of the place; but that probably isn't the worst reasoning a person could have.
Which brings us up to the present, more or less.
Kori is roughly about as difficult to read when it comes to reasonable thinking as it is easy to convince the rain to stop falling; and often makes as much sense as it falling sideways.
Though, to note, sometimes it does in fact happen.
Under the strict opinion that the entirety of life is centered around the concept of self-discovery and understanding; he can be a bit blind to logic now and then if it doesn't mesh up with the nature of people around him. [If 'now and then' can account for usually ninety percent of the time]
Between the two he's always bound to have more faith in people than logic. But that doesn't make him any less of an interesting person to be around, maybe more so at times when he's got some off-skew idea in his head and desire to follow it. If given the choice Kori can, and will, always follow the path of curiosity. He's something of a ten-year-old in that much, and admittedly maybe a bit easier to talk into things than he rightfully should be.
Since he does, in fact, have a very solid intellect to back his convictions up and that might just be the problem; too much thinking leads to daydreaming. Too much daydreaming leads to thinking the world may change, and too much thinking that the world can get better leads to a bit too much enjoyment in being a part of that chaotic grand mess.
He just also has a sleepy sort of mellowed manner that is difficult to dig under, people can deem it what they wish to and he's been teased by his peers since his childhood about being a 'pushover' but it's not without reasoning. If he can make his point, whatever it may happen to be, without forcing other people into uncomfortable states then that's all the better the way he sees things. Do no needless harm, bad vibes come sneaking back around.
Life for Kori is about the aspiration and the journey, not the end result, because he knows that comes all too soon regardless.
::And a quick note on physics::
Kori is...thin, he has an overactive metabolism, not a lack of desire to eat; he actually does that exceptionally well. Added into the fact that he's on the taller side of five feet, around five-eight by technicality, it always seems to be a topic up for debate. He's healthy, if not a bit less so for his bizarre diet of whatever appeals at the time, but it's never been something he troubled over. He's faster than he is strong, if that amounts to much; assuming he doesn't trip over something.
From a health standpoint Kori stays at a midpoint; there are factors in his life that put a strain on him physically and can cause his health to falter now and then. He has a few long-standing issues to deal with as well; metabolism issues and some degree of hypermobility (meaning there's a medical reason he's double-jointed) cause his joints to snap, crackle, and pop more resoundingly than breakfast cereal after he's been sleeping or if the weather is cold or damp enough to affect him. It can be fairly uncomfortable to deal with at times, but since there's no reasonable way to fix either issue he just has to deal with it.
He gave up the idea of short hair and crisp appearance a long time past, roughly once he discovered that he didn't have to follow those ideals. So since the point of high school he's been at work now and again reshaping his appearance into something he finds more fitting; but it's a more or less never-ending search.
With his hair either the natural black he was born with or more often some streaky wash of blond and ebony hanging down in a fitful wave at his shoulders and his tendencies to have as varied a taste as clothing as he does in anything else he really has done a decent job of breaking free of that strict regulation he was raised with in younger years.
Tattoo Work:
-Full back in an ornament spinal designs that looks like stylized bones.
-Both hips in back tattooed to look like bones in the hip sockets, also connects to the work on his back.
-Both shoulder blades in the back inked to look like bones are exposed, connects to the work on his back.
-Left arm starting at shoulder covered in a sleeve mimicking exposed muscle, extending all the way down to his wrist and on both inner and outer parts of the arm.
-Left hip socket has a curved bunch of music sheet scales, flows with the curve of his hip socket inward and down across the inside of his thigh; the music itself is the sheet music to Moonlight Sonata.
-Stylized tattoo curved in a half circle above his navel, spells out his roommate, Vince's, name in block letters with palm tree decoration.
-Center Labret; 14G
-Septum; 14G
-Both earlobes; 16G
Even if nobody else fully grasps the reason behind it he is finally starting to feel comfortable in his own skin, with a few changes he sought out. But it's as simple as anything else; clothes get lost and hair can be dyed, the only thing that truly lasts is the statements a person is willing to take the steps to write out on their own skin.
And being such an avid believer in Signs and the importance of statements he never really hesitates when he comes across something that he feels is a dire symbol he wants to keep as part of who he is.
Condensed Useful Info:
-Age: 23
*Lyanna Rayone: 25
*Jorge Rayone: 29