(no subject)

Jan 30, 2005 19:06

&because i had nothing better to do:

*Ten Things About Me
10. I get the strangest food cravings ever.
09. I love the snow, but I hate how it's so cold.
08. I'm a hopeless romantic.
07. I'm dying to see Fear Before the March of Flames in concert.
06. I love to recieve letters.
05. I like dancing, even though I think I suck at it.
04. I think I read a lot.
03. I really can't wait till I can drive.
02. I had an operation when I was five.
01. I hate going to the dentist.

*Nine Places I've Visited
09. Mexico.
08. Bahamas.
07. Disney World.
06. Illinois.
05. Massachusetts.
04. Virginia.
03. Long Beach Island.
02. New York City.
01. Pennsylvania.

*Eight Things I Want To Do Before I Die
08. Fall in love.
07. Go to Australia.
06. Sky dive.
05. Have kids.
04. Do something totally increadible.
03. Feel infinate.
02. Write a book.
01. Compose a song.

*Seven Ways To Win My Heart
07. Have nice hair.
06. Make me feel special.
05. Be yourself.
04. Make me laugh.
03. Be spontanous.
02. Tell good stories.
01. Have inner beauty.

*Six Things I Believe In
06. Love.
05. Fate.
04. Karma.
03. How everything happens for a reason.
02. God.
01. Honesty.

*Five Things I'm Afraid Of
05. Clowns.
04. Heights.
03. Being alone forever.
02. Rejection.
01. Death.

*Four Of My Favorite Things In My Room
04. My chalkboard wall.
03. My stereo.
02. My 100+ CDs.
01. My wall of pictures.

*Three Things I Do Everyday
03. Eat.
02. Sleep.
01. Breathe.

*Two Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now
02. Homework.
01. Play with Chance.

*One Person I Want To See Right Now
01. A boy.
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