Aug 19, 2007 04:09
Mr Ben says:
hiya lorah
hello laura
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
have you had a good day
lorah mary fame* says:
yes thanks you?
Mr Ben says:
yer just been recovering from last night
drank loads
and wore my voice out on singstar
lorah mary fame* says:
i wanna be a rockstar
and take drugs
and get naked
Mr Ben says:
with my screaming impressions
lorah mary fame* says:
and smoke
and trash things
and hate everyone
Mr Ben says:
you are that person in your head anyway
you just not mad enough to do those things
how come you want to be like this
are you ok and that
lorah mary fame* says:
just bored of life
Mr Ben says:
i enjy the simple things like going shopping and driving
just do stuff what you enjoy
when i look at your new photos you look a bit unhappy
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
just get that feeling, you give of negativity, same when i read your profile
i get the impression that you regret things
i'm off to bed now cos no ones talking x
are you not in a talking mood
dont ignore me please, you wouldn't like it if i ignored you
lorah mary fame* says:
huh you said you were going
Mr Ben says:
yes cos no one is talking
but now they are
when you back at college
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
i dont even know when i'm back nor how to get to beverley
or who's left on the course
everytime i talk to you, i just get the impression you cant be arsed,
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
compared to how you used to talk to me, even before we met
lorah mary fame* says:
things change
Mr Ben says:
not really, i havent changed
you've changed tho
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
cos i'm not perfect
well its your choice that we aren't close friends anymore.
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
only you can annoy me without you actually doing anything
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
with all your coded secrets
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
that you leave on your profile etc
aimed at certain people, not me
lorah mary fame* says:
and what
Mr Ben says:
exactly you dont want people to know
so it annoys me
lorah mary fame* says:
i dont know what youre talking about
Mr Ben says:
you do
there is always some sarcy comment on your profile about someone or other
lorah mary fame* says:
what cmnt?
Mr Ben says:
shit like this:
it's all gone down the drain, hasn't it
i never thought i'd end up here.
especially not with you.
lorah mary fame* says:
why would that bother you??
Mr Ben says:
well, its the way you are. you claim to keep all your feeling tos yourself but you put things like that and then dont explain them
lorah mary fame* says:
dont have to
Mr Ben says:
its like aimed at one person but yet you tell it to everyone
its creepy
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
and makes you look depressed
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
it takes people like me to point things out
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
your a girl with a lot going on in your head but you dont trust anyone enought to tell them
lorah mary fame* says:
lol so?
Mr Ben says:
then there's no wonder i cant have a conversation with you cos you restrict yourself
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
your just a shadow of your former self
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
and you'll never take me seriously. cos you think you're better than everyone else.
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
you looking down on me
lorah mary fame* says:
lol no
Mr Ben says:
well its the impression i get.
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
would it bother you if you never had to speak to me again
lorah mary fame* says:
youre never exactly nice to me.
Mr Ben says:
cos you dont give me the chance to anymore
and you dont take compliments
and it would be a bit fake of me to be all nicey nicey.
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
i'm getting rid of all my virtual friends. they dont do me anygood.
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
if it wasn't for msn you wouldn't talk to me
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
you laugh at me then.
lorah mary fame* says:
duno what else to say
Mr Ben says:
cos you dont have anything worth saying to me. which proves that there's no point talking. whenever i talk to you i just get memories.
lorah mary fame* says:
of wot
Mr Ben says:
of me and you, going places and hanging out
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
why should i even talk to you after you called an end to our fun
lorah mary fame* says:
i had reason
Mr Ben says:
well if you chose to be like that then why am i still here attempting to chat to you.
you dont need my help, if i dont say hi to you you never talk and even when you do you dont have anything interesting to tell me.
all this stuff is pointless, we're not even friends
the only thing thats keeping us in touch is MSN and myspace. and its not good. I dont need any virtual friends who wouldn't hang out with me in the real world. its bad for my confidence and anxiety.
lorah mary fame* says:
Mr Ben says:
you and a few other girls just pull my confidence right down.
lorah mary fame* says:
i havent doen anything
Mr Ben says:
you know what you're doing
you're not here to be my friend. you're just here to make me jealous and wait for me to ask you to hang out and then tell me you're busy. do you really think i want that
lorah mary fame* says:
make you jealous?
look, i havent reacted to al the mean things you've said to me tonight, but if you carry on i may have to stand up for myself.
Mr Ben says:
oh well i think i'll just go then, i'm sick of seeing you online on here and you not talking to me.
lorah mary fame* says:
well, isn't it my choice whether to talk to you or not?
Mr Ben says:
yer of course.
lorah mary fame* says:
i don't 'make you jealous'
i don't metnion anything inparticular, i haven't done anything wrong.
Mr Ben says:
just remember i'm not the one who gave up on you. in fact you're the first girl that i didn't give up on when i saw things where going wrong. and look where it got me, nowhere
lorah mary fame* says:
well, i bailed, so what?
Mr Ben says:
yer just dont expect me to be nice to you then when you bailed out
lorah mary fame* says:
why? i'd have thought you'd have understood.
i think you're being a little selfish.
Mr Ben says:
well look the way you did it too me and tell me that you didn't want anything serious, leading me into a false sense of security and then writing me of as a friend kinda gives me reason
lorah mary fame* says:
well if you feel that way stop faking friendship towards me.
Mr Ben says:
you stopped being my friend a long time ago and i've tried on numerous times to try to meet up and maybe rescue our friendship. but everytime you've put things in the way
lorah mary fame* says:
you can believe that if you like
Mr Ben says:
so your busy when i ask you to meet up. well if you was interested you'd say well i'm free tomor night.
i'm so foolish to think that you actually are busy 24/7
its just bullshit to make me feel jealous and to somehow make me think your life is much better without me in it
lorah mary fame* says:
no its rly not
you just think that its all about you because you're that selfish, ben.
Mr Ben says:
i'm the one willing to come through to scarborough, you're always telling me how your bored of life.
well if you'd have told me how you felt about me then i probably wouldn't have made you go off me in the first place
lorah mary fame* says:
always telling you i'm bored of life?!?!?
do you live in you own little world
Mr Ben says:
you did tonight
if i was really selfish wouldn't i just block and delete you and not have to worry about talking to you anymore
lorah mary fame* says:
no, because you use me to make yourself feel better, you put me down all the time and you dont even realise it.
i've learned to ignore it
Mr Ben says:
well no i dont feel better after talking to you.
well you just carry on how you are, i'm gonna have to delete you on msn and myspace cos i cant stand it when i see you online and you just been a ghost of what you once where to me. i know you wont be bothered so its not being selfish.
you enede the friendship a long time ago
all this petty talk is just bullshit and means nothing.
it just causes me stress