Mar 22, 2004 20:10
This is for you. To keep you interested. So you don't have to read through mediocrely written paragraphs about parts of my life you don't care about. Jazz it:
+ I saw Eternal Sunshine... It is a very well done movie. I was not sure how much I liked it till, well, today? Yesterday? Point is it wierded me out. It had the illest music. The adaptation of Row your boat, was the illest piece of music I have ever heard.
+ Kate Winslet's character in Eternal Sunshine made me very uncomfortable. It was one of the wierdest emotion's I've experienced from a movie. It was as if she was a girl that I'd met. I'm sure I've met her before. It's the kind of girl that scares me. It's the kind of girl I have the horrible tendency of becoming interested in. Kate Winslet's character in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind affected me a little like Holden Caufield. I never liked Catcher in the Rye. You should read it.
+ Penn Gardens got owned. My upper back is very soar. Apparently that's what happens when you get hit by the rock.
+ Espenshade's new material is killer. Jura sounded different, but they played Susquehanna Girls. And play them they did. I purchased Lines Leading North's demo. It's good. They right some boss parts.
+ A big thank you is in order for D-wreck Wiekel. Head Automatica is one of those artists that when you heard them your mind is blown. It's the best thing I've heard since stellastarr*, which wasn't too long ago. But point is: Head Automatica is dope and Tim Armstrong, for now and forever, is the man.
+ I really really like hoodies. I'm not gonna leave you there, as would be the cool thing to do. I'll let you know the score. First, they are half of the hardcore mask. Second, some girls just rock them to the end. It kills me. I love it.
+ J-Kwon can suck it. DX.
+ And last, but certainly not least: The newest Dilated People's single with Kanye is the sickest thing in mainstream hip-hop.
"I wasn't really kickin game, I was just scrimmigin"