I was going to bitch about how reading the line "that scab Genevieve" in a fic turned my stomach and I had a whole post brewing in my head, but instead I'm going to do this.
Not a full list of who I think is awesome, and in no particular order, but I thought this would be fun. (stolen from
Buffy Summers
Cordelia Chase
Calleigh Duquesne
Natalia Boa Vista
Blair Waldorf
Ruby the demon
Olivia Benson
Dr. Lisa Cuddy
Det. Alexandra Eames
Dr. Camille Saroyan
Donna Noble
Det. Kate Lockley
Faith (the Vampire Slayer)
Willow Rosenberg
Gwen Raiden
Peyton Sawyer
Shelly (the Clean Teen!)
Chloe Sullivan
Meg Masters
Ellen Harvelle
Pamela Barnes
Maria DeLuca
Max Guevara, X5-452
Original Cindy
Again, not every female TV character I love, just a rough, off the cuff list of favorites. Wanna add on? Feel free.