This is a drive by fruiting. Summer session is insane. I have a minimum of 3 papers to type up daily, some days have been up to 6 pages (I'm in between pages 2 and 3 at this very moment, shhh... tell no one) and that's just for the English class. Let us not get into the history class (that I am LOVING by the way) and how much freakin' reading that's been. Good LORD.
But the English class is lame, she doesn't teach but she doesn't let us leave. It's 2.5 hours of NOTHINGNESS. Thank God it's only 15 more days. Because one semester in 19 days is BONKERS, yo.
In related news, some of you know that don't read Sam/Ruby fic because I have this whole non-con squick about it. So WHY am I sitting in English class longhand writing a Sam/Ruby, Sam/Dean fic?? Complete with justification within the text of why it works. And WHY if it's Sam/Ruby, Sam/Dean is there NO DEAN IN IT? Seven (full, front and back) longhand pages AND NO DEAN WINCHESTER!
Why are Katie and Jared Ruby and Sam so hot together? I blame Katie's big, obvious crush on Jared. Her and Jensen are totally gonna cage fight to win his affections. My money's on my lil Katieface.
How are y'all? Am I missing anything good? (other than
spn_j2_bigbang 'cause it's ON this weekend)
Sooper seekrit message to
crazydiamondsue: Invitations this weekend. I promise.