Apr 03, 2008 21:39
xander-shaped friend,
dan scott's alter-ego,
nathan scott brings me to tears,
all i gotta do is stay black & die,
vinnie? is a dork,
fandom random,
harry who?,
geopolitical ramifications,
winchesters baby win-freaking-chesters,
procrastination nation,
naley naley naley,
gale howard *cough* i mean harold
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Willow/Xander squicked the fuck out of me. It way more incestuous than Connor/Angel could ever be. Ditto with Cordy/Angel.
A world of yes. Also ZERO chemistry between Nick and Alyson which just made it creepier.
Faith/Xander is the only way to go post-Chosen. Trufax.
WRONG. Time to embrace the Buffy/Xander, it's the one true way of life. (Although I DO love Xander/Faith.) (Ok lets be honest I love Xander/Anyone.)
Brian Kinney was a fat kid.
This should not be unpopular it should be FACT. Because it is FACT. It's such a good explanation for where he got his attitude from and hello! Self esteem issues.
Not necessary J/J specific, but the Texas kink? I don't get it!
I don't get it either and I'll go one step further and say it annoys the shit out of me. And yes, it's probably due to the being Texan thing.
Your whole tiny text paragraph about J2 is correct.
I only think Justin is hot because Brian does. And in all honesty I don't know why Brian fell in love with him.
I don't think that gloating and making fools of other people is cool just because she's a female and she's punking men. It makes her an ass, just like if she was male punking on females.
Oh, dude, Nicky and Alyson totally had zero make-out chemistry. And fics where they lose their virginity to each other? *shudder*
Sue and I used to have these long drawn out conversations about why Buffy/Xander was awesome and totally the post-Chosen 'ship to end all 'ships. And then I signed up for btvs_meta to do a Buffy/Xander manifesto and it was all GONE. Where'd I'd seen nekkid sexy time all there was was undying, unwavering friendship. *shrug*
It is a FACT, fandom just never embraced its awesome factuality. Brian Kinney as a kid = Chubbers McChubberson.
Y'know I was riding my horse to school the other day and as I passed the local saloon I thought to myself, self, I thought, WHY ON EARTH DOES J2 FANDOM THINK WE STILL LIVE IN THE WILD WILD WEST. It's like some people hear Texas and think of Young Guns.
I love you baby and Brian/Justin is and will always be OTP, but when I watched the show I didn't GET it sometimes. Especially in season 1. I love Justin but I never got why Brian did. Of course, why would I try to understand ANYTHING Cowlip did?
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