Mar 05, 2008 15:55
Dear Panic! at the Disco,
What time exactly is 9 in the afternoon? No really, I wanna know. Please, I dare you, explain it to me.
Stealing your exclamation mark gleefully,
Vinnie! at her laptop
Dear Creation Entertainment,
You send me these nifty emails that keep me abreast of your going ons. Thanks. However, I have a question: why is a picture with Jensen $60 and a picture with Jared $60, but a sandwich picture with Jensen-n-Jared $149? I'm not the mathiest gal on the block, but I'm thinking that's $29 more dollars if I stick them together nekkid with me and have you immortalize it on film. You fail at math. I fail because I WANT IT.
Counting dollar bills in the corner,
Dear National Scholars Honor Society,
Seriously? You want me to apply? What's the catch?
Dazed and amused,
Re: GIP: Danneel Harris and Paul Johansson are my new RPF OTP. Seriously. I made icons that showcase it and therefore make it FACTUAL IN ITS TRUTHINESS.
vinnie? is a dork,
procrastination nation,
dan scott's alter-ego,
fandom random