The other day, in the middle of a One Tree Hill s1 marathon M and I ran off to Howdy's for a drink (ohmahgod! Dear fountain Coke with extra ice, please gimme back my soul. Thnx, Me.) and as the cashier is ringing us up we are mocking the choices when I see 'The Exocist' and yell out 'SCORE!' only to find that it is 'The Exorcist: The Beginning'. Fail.
I'm putting that back and making a bummed out face and what do I see for $5.50?
Ask me if I bought it. Go on ask.
Duh. Of course. This marks the second Jared movie purchase for $5.50 this month. It's possible that Target had 'New York Minute' on sale a few weeks ago. Whatever. Shut-up your faces.
I will now begin scouring Diamond Shamrock stations for 'DeVour' I said shut-up your face
Totally trufax spoilers about tomorrow's Supernatural
- One or both of the boys will emote.
- Sam will be taller than Dean.
- They will wear button down shirts.
I'm very excited about a new Supernatural tomorrow, and it's great that everyone's all stoked... but why is no one bouncing around about James being on Smallville again??