Evil LLC. External Job Posting ... (Virtue Strike Force)

Apr 21, 2011 13:13

Evil LLC. is seeking motivated individuals across the Isles to help with an important matter. Details will be given to qualified applicants.

(( and since you're all qualified ...))

The LLC is running a Kal TF (Yep. We're stealing some flames of prometheus!) this Saturday. Time to be nailed down, but start is probably 6pm - 6:30pm EST (-5 GMT). Level 20-40 range, fully open recruitment drive, and you get a permanent-until-50 "Flames of Prometheus" temp power out of the deal - which turns into a Notice of the Well when you get to 50. Not to mention sweet bonus XP or a Notice for being the SF Target this week. (And no, I don't know if it stacks : I have no clue what happens when a 50 gets flames.)

(( ... this is the first time in the history of us trying to pull together a CoV run that we have actually heavily overbooked. Congrats! Virtue really DOES have a villian side! ))

1) @Incredible Lag
2) @FireBhunny
3) (Possibly) @Arctic Fhax
4) @vengefulwraith
5) @falkynne
6) @thea anastasis
7) @Oroborous
8) @dvandom


1) @Noxilicious
2) (+her friend)
3) @wyrdwitch
4) @polarsnow
5) @Captain Bishie
6) @elliondrk
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